
发布 2022-12-10 21:27:28 阅读 7955



to be 200 years old 活到200岁 in love with able to =can

true(无被动语态)= space 在太空中 up

and over again computers bored with sb

of style sb a letter=write to sb ticket to 一张……的票。

the phone / by phone on well with sb a fight with sb / fight with sb

about for(it/them) same age as

the one hand…on the other hand 22.(all) by oneself=alone the first time

history possible = as…as sb can out不让……进入。

the police the phone off sb to do sth

that time about / hear of silence 默默地 place / happen (无被动语态) own +名词=名词+of one’s own 36. include doing


考点 be --将来时)there is/are going to be ( will be ) 名词。

therebe )a football game on tv tonight .

考点 true 与achieve 的区别:

1).come true :实现,达到 。主语常为物 ,无被动语态。 2).achieve: 实现主语为人。

he has achieved his dream .=his dream has

考点 be 的特殊句型:

1).there be +名词+ doing sth : 有某东西正在干某事 2).

there be +名词+ to do sth : 有某东西将要干某 there is a dog __lie) under the tree . there is no time __play) now.

考点 same as 与the same … as … 的区别:

1).the same as 表示与…相同他的反义词: be different from

2).the same …as 表示与…有相同的某东西。

lucy is 16 years old ,lily is 16 years old.=lucy is the samelily.


1).call sb = call sb up = give sb a call up= ring sb up = give sb a ring

3).make a telephone call to sb



词组: not …until… =after… 直到…才… he didn’t go to bed until he finished his homework = he __to bed __he finished his homework.

2). 当它引导的复合句的主句的谓语动词为延续性动词时,用肯定形式。

句型: …until ….到…为止。

i left my umbrella in my room . could you wait here __i get it back ?

a. when b. until d. while

考点7. find 的用法。

1) find sb (to be) +名词 2 find sb +adj 3 find it adj +to do sth 4 find sb+doing 5find+that…

i found it was difficult to finish the work.=i foundto finish the work..

i found that they were playing football .=i foundfootball.

i found that she was a clever girl.=i found


1. seem + adj 2seem +to be +adj (to do sth ) 3it seems that +从句。

she seemed worried .=she seemedworried .

that she __worried .

考点 to /arrive at (in)/ reach 的区别。

to /arrive at (in) /reach +地点名词 / arrive /reach +home (here, there …)

3.若后面没有地点时,则只能用arrive . he is the first boy to __

考点 while 的区别。

1. 一般过去式+ when +过去进行时 2过去进行时+ when +一般过去时。

3.一般过去时+ while +过去进行时 4过去进行时+ while +过去进行时。


when iwrite) a letter , my fathercome) in last night .

my sister __watch) tv while i __read) this morning .

考点 for / find / find out 的区别。

1. look for 寻找, 强调找的过程。

2. find 找到发现强调找的结果。

3. find out 指经过打听,询问,调查之后才找到的东西。

he __the book everywhere , but he didn’t __it .

please __who broke the window.

考点 的用法。

surprised to do sth we were surprised __meet) you again .

surprised at sth we are every surprised at the news .

surprised that +从句 i’m surprised that he lost the game .

one’s surprise surprise / surprising 的区别。

i was __to hear the __news .


1. return sth to sb 把某物归还给某人= give sth back to sb .

please give my book back to me on time .=please __my book __me on time .

to +某地返回某地= come /get back to +某地。

注:若地点为地点副词时,则省掉to .

he won’t come back home until next week .=he won’t __home until next week.

考点 …as possible 的同义句。

as …as possible = as … as sb can (could).

she pratices english as much as possible .=she pratices english as much as

考点 always doing sth

be always doing sth 表示总是干某事, (有一种厌恶的心理)

he __always __make ) the same mistakes in his homework .

考点 / house /family 的区别。

指 “家庭或家庭成员”

指 “居住的房屋” 一般指建筑物。

指 “同一家人共同生活的地方也可指家乡、故乡”

i was born in wuhan , but xiaogan is my second __


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中考八年级下考点 答案

第八章认识跨省区域。第一节沟壑纵横的特殊地形区 黄土高原。考点解析 根据资料分析区域主要自然灾害与环境问题所造成的后果,了解区域环境保护与资源开发利用的成功经验 黄土高原严重的水土流失 脆弱的生态环境和生态建设 水土流失的治理 生态环境问题及治理保护。黄土高原人地关系恶性循环示意图。考点梳理 1 黄...