
发布 2022-12-10 19:04:28 阅读 5245

一。 将下列翻译成英语:


2. 你买了什么特别的东西吗?


4. 我们在那里拍了许多**。

5. 一天的差异有多大啊!

6. 多么好的一天啊!

7. 他们是多好的人啊!

8. 并且因为糟糕的天气,底下的东西我们什么也看不到。


10 因为这场雨, 我们无法在室外打篮球了。




14. 她对你所提的问题的回答就是一个大大的 “不”字!

15. 旧习难改。

16. 一个真正的朋友是在需要时给你帮助,是你感动。.

17. 然而,他总是准备好去尽其所能。


19. 感觉到。

20. 至少。

21. 有才干的。

22. 关心,在意。

23. 严肃的,稳重的。

24. 只要,既然。

25. 与……不同。

26. 和……相同。

27. 与……相似的……


29. 各种各样的。

30. 由…….决定。


32. 例如。


34. 认真对待。

35. 中国达人秀。



38. 乔装打扮。




if you don’t take these shows sthey are fun to watch.

2. sometimes teachers take students’ homework too s

3. there is something for eat greenwood park.

4. what’s the bcinema in town?

5. which cinema has the most cseats?

6. i’ve got something ito tell you.

7. that’s up to you to d

8. he didn’t say anything at the meeting, d___he?

9. amany students like to watch sports,game shows are the most p

10. he asked me some questions about our dhabits.

11. i don’t care i___he will come or not.

12. that’s w___he was late for school this morning.

13. her questions about you were not so f

14. where did you go on vi went to hainan.

15. did you h**e a good time?--yes, everything was e

story is not fun. the students seemed to be b___

went to guizhou with my fmy parents and i really had fun.

18. i felt like i __a bird.

19. i wonder what life washere in the past.

20. the food tasted great because i was h

sun started to come __

22. i h**e a dance class oa week.

h___ever eat breakfast in the morning, so i am u

24. we found that only fifteen p___of our students exercise every day.

think the best way to r___is through exercise.

can spend timeyour friends and family as you play together.

do tom and mike ado on weekends.

28. did you like the singing cyesterday?

29. tina thinks she works hthan me.

30. inshe’s funnier than anyone i know.


1. he is muchhealth) than me.

cousin is asoutgoing) as my sister.

3. i always getgood) grades than he does.

4. of the two apples, i would like to choose thesmall) one.

5. rose is thefriendly) of the three girls.

6. thecare) you are, thefew) mistakes you will make.

7. awell) friend is like a mirror.

8.iamquiet) andserious) than most kids.

9. she isgood) than me at playing volleyball.

10. she islittle) hard-working than any other student in her class.

11. who isyoung) ,lucy or nancy?

12. my best friend help me bring out mygood) in me.

13. what’s the best movie theatre?

sun cinema. it’scheap) of all and it hasshort) waiting time.

red shirt isexpensive) than the other two.

15. she dresses up like a boy and takes her father’s placefight) in the army.

16. she planswatch) a fantastic movie tonight.

17. if you wants to see somethingenjoy), go with me.

18. i think game shows aremean).

do you think of soap operas? they are not asinteresting) as action movies.

20. when people saywe think of art and history.

21. one of the main reasonsbe) that he is interested in science.

22. after that, he became rich andsucceed).

23. they were unlucky and had many problems such aslose) their houses and jobs.

24. i hopefind) out what’s going on around the world.


2015 2016学年第一学期。华美实验学校八年级数学科第十周周末作业 2 命题人 戴惠忠班级 学生姓名家长签名。一 选择题。1 的算术平方根是 a 4 b 4 c 2 d 2 2 已知一个数的两个平方根分别是a 3与2a 15,这个数的值为 3 在0.458,这几个数中无理数有 个 a.4 b.3...


1 如图1 abe acd,ab 8cm,ad 5cm,a 60 b 40 则ce cbdc 2 如图2 abc def,ab de,要说明 abc def 1 若以 sas 为依据,还要添加的条件为。2 若以 asa 为依据,还要添加的条件为 3.如图某同学把一块三角形的玻璃打碎成了三块,现在要去...


二 填空题。8 计算 a2b3 3 9.如果,则 11.比较与的大小关系是。12 已知x 2m 1,y 3 4m,用x的代数式表示y是。13 若3,5,c为三角形的三边,则第三边上中线x的取值范围是。14 已知等腰 abc中,a 40 则 b 15.如图所示,ab ac,ad ae,bac dae,...