
发布 2022-12-07 00:29:28 阅读 1601


听力部分。一, listen and tick.(听录音,根据听到的内容,在正确的**下划对号)

二, listen and number.(听音,排列顺序)

三, listen and choose.(听音在你听到的句子后面画)

1. look! i h**e eighteen crayons.(

look! i h**e nineteen crayons.(

2. it has a long nose and short tail.(

it has a big eyes and a small nose.(

3. do you like pears? yes, i do.(

do you like grapes? no, i don’t.(

4. how many kites do you see?(

how many ballons do you h**e?(

5. i’m kangaroo. i’m from canada.(

i’m panda. i’m from china.(

6. who’s that girl? she’s my sister.(

who’s that woman? she’s my mother.(

四, listen and number.(听录音,排列顺序)

)i h**e a monkey.

)it has small eyes and small ears.

) name’s amy.

)it has a long tail.

)look!it’s so funny.


1、a、yes,he is. b、thank you. c、she is my mother. d、yes,i do.

2、a、nice to see you ,too. b、yes,it is. c、i am from the china. d、goodbye!

3、a、i see twenty. b、no,he isn’t. c、my name is mike. d、it’s in the box.

4、 a、good ideab、i h**e eleven.

c、it has a long nose and big ears. d、me too.

5、a、is it under the chair. b、no,i don’t. c、i’m six years old. d、sure.

笔试部分 一、 圈出所给单词不同类的一项(12分)

1、 canada china ok usa australia

2、 milk pear juice coke water

3、 kite ball chair map pupil

4、 pear orange cake watermelon strawberry

5、 then fat tall big small

6、 twenty eleven two fifteen today


三 、根据所给句子选出适当答语。(12分)

1、 how many birds can you see?

a、i h**e eighteen. b、i like milk and apples. c、it has a long mouth. d、i see five.

2、can i h**e some grapes?

a、 thank you. b、here you are. c、sorry, i don’t like grapes. d、yes,i do.

3、 where are you from?

a、 it’s on the desk. b、i am from the uk. c、me, neither. d、my name is john.

4、who’s this man?


a、 she’s my mother. b、no,he isn’t. c、he’s my brother. d、silly me.


5、where is my cap?

1) 政策优势。


a、is it in you bag? b、here you are. c、it’s a boat.

d、i am from usa.

6、do you like bananas?


cna、yes,i don’t. b、no,it isn’t. c、here you are.

d、no,i don’t.


300元以下□ 300~400元□ 400~500□ 500元以上□ bounce a ball

碧芝”的成功归于他的唯一,这独一无二的物品就吸引了各种女性的眼光。 it has a short tail. it’s black and white

this is my family


女生成为消费人群的主体。 i don’t like like strawberries

培养动手能力□ 学一门手艺□ 打发时间□ 兴趣爱好□ put the ball on your chair

i am from china.


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