
发布 2022-11-27 02:50:28 阅读 2334


学校: 班级: 姓名:






___b c d __f g ; p q r

h il m n ; u vy __


)1,a, bus b, bike c, zoo

)2,a, peach b, apple c, lion

)3,a, friend b, father c, grandfather

)4,a, deer b, banana c, tiger

)5,a, girl b, boy c, miss


)1, watch out! a, 进来。

)2, come in. b, 小心!

)3, here you are. c, 谢谢你!

)4, thank you! d, 没问题!

)5, no problem! e, 给你。


)1, nice to see you again.

a, good afternoon, teacher.

b, nice to see you too.

)2, who’s that boy ?

a, she is my sister.

b, he’s my brother.

)3, how many books can you see ?

a, i h**e 5.

b, i can see 5.

)4, do you like apples ?

a, yes, i do.

b, thanks.

)5, where is my book ?

a, it’s on the desk .

b, it’s so big !



a, happy women’s day !

b, happy teacher’s day !


a, how are you?

b, nice to see you again!


a, come in!

b, i’m sorry .


a, thank you !

b, where is my pen ?


a, look out!

b, excuse me.


a, where are you from ?

b, welcome !


a, look and see.

b, read after me.


a, line up!

b, look at me.


a, where is my pen?

b, it’s here.


a, goodbye.

b, you are right.

听力材料。1)colour the orange red and orange.2)colour the hot dog yellow and brown.

3)colour the pear green and yellow.4)colour the peach green and pink.

1)girl:prc,prc,i’m from china.2)boy:uk,uk,i’m from the united kingdom.

3)girl:usa,usa,i’m from america.4)boy:can,can,i’m from canada.

1)boy:where’s my kite?

girl:it’s in the tree.

2)boy:where’s my bag?

girl:it’s on the desk.

3)boy:where’s my ball?

girl:it’s under the chair.

4)boy:where’s my car?

girl:it’s in the box.

1)the ruler is short and the pencil is long.

2)the ball is small and the car is big.

3)this bike is big and the bus is small.

4)i’m no 1. i’m big. you’re no 7. you’re small.


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