
发布 2022-11-27 03:51:28 阅读 1839


答题时间: 90分钟,满分100分)





1a. bb b. pp c. dd d. tt

2a. nice b. no c. nine d. name

b. milk d. my

b. you d. yellow

b. milk d. my


) 1. i’m li tao. b. hi, li tao. isn't

) 2. afternoon. b. good morning. evening

) 3. a catb. no,it isn't don't

) 4. are toys b. it’s an apple isn't

) 5. monkey

三、 听录音,给**标上正确的序号。(10分)



dictionary(字典) sorry i don't know forest(森林)




a. do you h**e a ruler. b.

i like a ruler. c. look at my ruler.

d. i h**e a ruler.


a. my name is jim. b. i’m jimc. this is jim. you jim

( )3、你想问远处的动物是什么?你应该说:

a.what’s that? b. what’s this? c. this is a bird. is a bear

)4、 你想问别人拥有几只铅笔怎么说。

a. nice to meet you, li you h**e a pencil?

many pencils do you h**e? do you h**e in you bag?

)5. “我很高心见到你”怎么说:

a. me,too to see you afternoon. to meet you,too

四、选择题(将正确答案的序号填在题前的括号内) (16分)

) 1.--what’s this

a. it is a is bears is an egg

) 2. -what are those

are books. b. they are orange.

c. yes,they are. eraser.

) 3. -what do you h**e in your bag, colin

a. it’s c. i h**e seven. h**e ten pencils

) 4. -do you h**e a ball

a. yes,it do do doesn't

) 5.--is this a tiger

a. yes, they areb. no, it is c. yes, it is aren't

) 6.--what color is that

a. it is a is black c. yes, it is h**e a blue book

) 7. -good night,dear

a. good evening,dad b. sorry,i don't know

c. yes, it night,mom

) 8. -how many lions can you see

a. i’m seven b. ok! c. thank you




b. cat c. rabbit d. panda

2a. ruler b. pencil d. ship

3a. pencil b. dog c. pen d. eraser

4a. five b. lion c. bear d. elephant

5a. six b. nine c. bag d. four

6a. blue b. black c. one d. white



how are you

look,what are these


期末考试结束,此次试卷满分100分,听力仍是40分,笔试60分。整体知识考查非常基础,但出题十分灵活,不少题目突破了以往的考查方法,体现了综合运用。下面来具体分析 听力部分。第一题听录音,判断所听到的字母与所给字母是否一致。这道题看似简单,却迷雾重重,考查发音最易混淆的几个字母,上来就给学生们一个下...


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