新版PEP小学三年级英语下册期中测试卷new 1

发布 2022-12-06 21:07:28 阅读 5955


姓名得分 一、将下列单词抄写在四线三格上,注意写错格式不得分哦。(10分)

二 、 单项选择(10分)

)1. it __a nose

a. h**e b. has c. doesn’t

)2. these are the __

a. ear b。 mouth c eyes

)3 i h**e __

a. two foot b. two feet c. one feet

) my mother.

a. are b is c. am

( )5. these are my___and legs

a. arm b. arms arm


thin pupil china sister children



)1、短的 a. fat b. thin c. short

)2、女孩 a. girl b. bag c. good

)3、朋友 a. fat b. friend c. father

)4、大的 a. bag b. big c. boy

)5、兄弟 a. sister b. father c. brother


)1. a. man b. elephant c. panda

)2. a. sister b. brother c. water

)3. a. thinb. mum c. short

)4. a. canada b. australia c. pupil

)5. a. grandfather b. crayon c. grandmother


)1、in your bag a. 黑白相间。

)2、toy boxa. 看。

)3、two new friends a. 在你的包里

)4、black and white a. 玩具箱。

)5、look ata. 两个新朋友。


)1. where is my rulera. yes, she is.

)2. who's that boyb. it’s under your chair.

)3. where are you fromc. she’s my sister.

)4. is she your motherd. i'm from china.

)5. who's that womane. he's my brother.


a. i'm from china.

b. this is a tiger.

c. make your eyes big.

d. this is a boy.

e. make your arms long.



a、how old are you? b、 i’m sorry. c、nice to meet you again.


a、my name’s tom. b、this is my sister. c 、this is my teacher.


a、welcome. b、what’s your name? c、goodbye.

)4、你想询问别人“你来自**?” 应该说:

a、where are you from?. b、how are you?. c、nice to meet you.

)5、你想表达“我来自中国。” 应该说:

a、i’m from china. b、i’m from america c、i’m from canada.


)giraffe a. it has a long nose.

)elephant b. it is so tall.

)pig c. it is small.

)bird d. it is thin.

)monkey e. it has a fat body.


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