
发布 2022-12-01 23:47:28 阅读 8573







) 1. a. she likes hot dogs.

b. he likes hamburgers.

) 2. a. mocky likes bananas.

b. mocky doesn’t like bananas.

) 3. a. she is a tall girl.

b. she is a short girl.

) 4. a. i’m thirsty. i want some orange juice.

b. i’m hungry. i want some oranges.

) 5. a. i want a new cap.

b. i want an old cap.

) 6. a. my ear hurts.

b. mocky’s eye hurts.

. 听短文从方框中选词补全句子,将正确答案的序号写在横线上(10分)。

reading sweet tall fat name

mary short long eyes four

hello! my __is __i’m a __girl.

i h**e __hair, two big __there are __people in my family. my father, mother, brother and me. my brother is __and __he likes __oranges.

he likes __books.

第二部分基础知识 (50分)

. 根据所给例词提示,把下列单词归类。将序号写在相应的横线上。(12分)

a. chicken b. apple c. banana d. hot dog

e. noodles f. orange g. purse h. finger

i. umbrella j. foot k. watch l. knee



fried rice

vi. 根据图示补全句子。(6分)

1. this is an __turtle

2. i’m hungry. i want a __

3. i’m thirsty. i want some

4. i like this

5. ken’s __hurts.

6. her __hurts.

vii. 单项选择。将答案的序号填在横线上。(9分)

) 1. -do you like french fries?

--yesa. i do b. i don’t c. i am

) 2.—does ken like bananas?

---no, he___

a. do b. does c. doesn’t

) 3.--my grandpa is __old man.

a. an b. a c. some

) 4. i’m hungry. i want __rice.

a. an b. a c. some

) 5.--i’m __

---h**e some orange juice, please.

a. hungry b. thirsty c. fine

) 6. the ice cream is __

a. cold b. hot c. old

) 7. the elephants are __animals.

a. big b. small c. long

) 8. i __a cap. she __a purse.

a. h**e, has b. h**e, h**e c. has, has

) 9.--what’s the matter?

a. my head hurts.

b. i like hot dogs.

c. yes, i do.

. 情景交际。看图回答问题,将正确答案的序号,写在提前的括号中。(14分)

)1.--does mocky like watermelon?

a. yes, he does. b. no, he doesn’t.

) 2. -is it an old turtle?

a. yes, it is. b. no, it isn’t.

)3. -is it a tall giraffe?

a. yes, it is. b. no, it isn’t.

)4. -is the lemon sour?

a. yes, it is. b. no, it isn’t.

)5. -does uncle booky h**e an old umbrella?

a. yes, he does. b. no, he doesn’t.

)6. -what’s the matter with ann?

a. her head hurts. b. her hand hurts.

)7. -what’s the matter, ken?

a. my leg hurts. b. my arm hurts.





第一组:( can i help you?

yes, i want a camera. do you h**e one?

yes, i do. here you are.

you’re welcome.

thank you!

第二组:( what’s the matter?

how are you today?

i’m not well.

my head hurts.


. 读短文,判断正误,正确在括号中写t,错误写f.(10分)

第一组:this is a beautiful forest. and it is large, too.

there are many tall trees in the forest. ken and ann are in the forest now. they can see two birds and two turtles.

the big bird is a peacock. it is beautiful. the small bird is very lovely.

ann is helping a young turtle. the young turtle is very happy. ann is a good girl.

北师大版 三年级英语下册教案unit

学习好资料欢迎 unit 10 mocky s store 1 能用 i want 的句型来表达 我想要什么 用 do you h e 的句型询问他人是否有某物。教学。2 能用所学的句型进行简单的购物。目标。3 初步认读课文。4 能认读单词 magazine,purse,cap,watch,cap,...

北师大版 三年级英语下册教案unit

unit 8 big bird一 教学内容 1.会说this is a turtle this is an young old turtle 2.单词 happy tall short big和small。二 教学目标 1.会说this is a turtle this is an young ol...


字母组合。3like喜欢4chicken鸡肉5noodles面条7fruit水果8food食物9hot dog热狗13corn玉米14tall高18small小的15tree树。17peacock孔雀22good好的23short短,71hair发 不间断音。热的42rice米饭44fresh新鲜的...