
发布 2022-11-30 03:13:28 阅读 7974



)happy birthday!g. here you are.()let’seat the

六、根据对话内容,把句子所缺的单词补充完整,在正确的单词上打“√”4分)一、在所给的数词中按从小到大的顺序排序(只排序号)。(8分)①one②eight③ten④four⑤six⑥three⑦nine⑧five二、read and write。(写出单词的汉语意思。


threeeightsixnineseven ( fourten ( twofiveone ( 三、找出不同类的单词。(10分1. a.

tenb. teac. fourd.

five2. a. nineb.

nicec. eightd. seven3.

a. cokeb. onec.

fourd. juice4. a.

threeb. tooc. twod.

six5. a. dogb.

breadc. catd. bird6.

a. sixb. sevenc.

fived. some7. a.

catb. catc. monkeyd.

two8. a. oneb.

fivec. coffeed. face9.

a. seeb. h**ec.

liked. cake10. a.

closeb. openc. touchd.

duck四、读算式,选答案,将序号写在横线上。(6分)a.six b. seven c.

three d. five e. ten f.

eight1. two + four2. nine ÷three3.

+three5one = four五、将右栏答语前的题号填在左边的括号内(10分)()how old are you?a. ten gifts.

)how many gifts?b. sure. here you are.()i’d like some orange juice, thank you.

)can i h**e some juice? thank you.()how are you?e. great!()h**e some no, thanks.

1. -how___you? (old are, are)--i’mfive.

2.--is your name? (where ,what)--myname’smike.七、轻松选一选。(10分)

) i h**e a some mike? sarah

a. thank you . sure, here you i like mike.

) 2. zip: hello, zoom!happy birthday!zoom

a. hi, nice to meet you .b. good hi! thank you, zip!d. how are you ,zip.

) how old are you ? years old .

c. great!d. i like bread.( seven.

a:what's your name ?b.

may i h**e a look?c. how many gifts?

d. how are you?( many books?


a. very thanks.八、此情此景,你选谁?(20分)


a. good how are you?c. nice to meet good afternoon.()2、当李雷知道明天是李明的生日时,他该说:

a. nice to meet youb. happy teachers’day !c. happy birthday to you!


a. how are you ?b. how old are you?c. how many gifts? name?


a. great!b. thank you.


a. can i h**e a hamburger?b. here you are.


a. h**e some juice, can i h**e some juice?()7、别人请你吃东西,你不想吃了说:

a. yes, thank no, thank you.


a. how are you?b. how old are you?


a. thankyou!b. you’re welcome.


a. h**e some milk!b. i like milk.


a. how are you?b. who are you?


a. thank you! welcome.()13、mike的生日到了,你对他说:

a. happy birthday!b. happy teacher’s day!()14、你想知道有多少个盘子,怎样问?

a. how are you?b. how many plates?


a. this one, here you are.


a. fine!b. five.


a. how are you?b. how many pencils?


a. it’s so it’s one.

)19、妈妈叫拿五个盘子给她,你怎么回应?a. five plates, ok. here you are.


you’re welcome.九、英语小博士,快来选一选。(12分)()1.不用客气!

a. thank youb. here you arec. 请喝果汁!

a. can i h**e some juice?b.

may i h**e a look?c. h**e some juice, pleased.

here you are!()3.我可以喝点可乐吗?

a. can i h**e some coke? b.

pass me the coke!c. show me the i like coke.


a. how are you?b. how old are you?c. how many name?()5.我有三件礼物。

h**e two h**e three h**e four h**e five gifts.()6.这是给你的蛋糕,李雷。

a. this cake is for you, li lei. b.

h**e a cake , li can i h**e a cake ,li lei . like cake ,li lei.


a. kate:let’seat the cake. li lei: great!

b. tom: happy birthday to you, kate!

kate: thank li lei: hello, kate.

this is my friend nice to meet nice to meet you, too.

d. tom: how old are you? kate:i’mnine.正确的语序是。


3 活动 操练 activities practice 1 游戏 击鼓传花。2 情景表演。4 课外活动 add activities 1 听录音,仿读对话,并在实际情景中运用所学内容。2 遇到老师 同学和家长时要用打招呼 分手时要用道别。3 制作人物面具。板书设计。unit1 hello hello...


recycle 1 一 单元学习目标 1.知识与技能。1 复习第1 3单元所学的有关打招呼 问候 介绍 道别 建议等会话。2 通过游戏复习表示身体各部位 颜色和文具的单词,能听懂会说本单元所学的文具 颜色 身体部位的单词。3 复习字母a i,会读会写,了解它们作为首字母时在单词中的发音。2.过程与方...


writing part笔试部分 40分 一 看 补全单词,并把首字母的大写和小写形式写在四线格上。6分 二。read find and choose.看图,选择正确的单词并将序号写在题前括号里。ear eye hand face nose arm leg foot 三 look and choos...