
发布 2022-11-30 03:15:28 阅读 7451



一、 默写五个元音字母(大小写):(5分)

二、用a、 an 填空:(15分)

1. _apple2. _monkey3. _cake

4. _doll5. _elephant6. _banana

7. _pear8. _bus9. _cat

10. _bird11. _girl12. _orange

13. _cap14. _fox15. _egg


1.( d( )2.( o( )3.( y( )4.( m( )5.( f( )

6.( i( )7.( t( )8.( j( )9.( w( )10.( r( )


1.( a.

2.( a. meb.

3.( a. five

4.( a. foxb. notc. nose

5.( a.


1.( 2.( a. mouth b. letter

3.( a. dad c. mum 4.( a. bell b. pear c. apple

5.( a. room 6.( a. blue c. jet

7.( a. new c. old 8.( a. miss c. ten

9.( a. pen c. ruler 10.( a. he b. she c. is


) toma. nice to meet you, too.

) morningb. bye.

) you a boyc. my name is tom.

) to meet youd. it’s a bear.

) i’m nine.

) your namef. good morning.

) old are youg. it’s white.

) this a birdh. yes, it is.

) thati. hello, eve.

) colour is itj. yes, i am.



a. how are youb. how do you do?


a. how do you dob. how are you ?


a. thank youb. sorry.


a. i’m nineb. i’m qiqi.


a. sit down, pleaseb. stand up, please.


a. nice to meet youb. good morning, dad.


a. what colour is your bag? b. it’s red.


a. how are youb. how old are you?


a. yes, it isb. is this your book?


a. sorry, i don’t knowb. how old are you?


1. you bear are mr

2. don’t i sorry know

3. room a it’s nice

4. nice are you how

5. that is what


5.nice to meet you.a.nice to meet you,too.b.i like green.c.me too.四 图句匹配选择与图画相符的句子,并将其字母标号填到相应的括号内。10 分 a.i h e a bookb.white,around.c touch your eard...


实验学校2013 2014学年度第二学期末教学质量检测。三年级英语卷。时间100分钟,满分100分 classnamemark 听力部分 50 一 听句子三次,选出句子中所含有的信息,并把其编号写在括号内。10分 1.a.white 3.b.near 5.atelephone 6.b.behind ...


卷面分 3分。一 积累运用。40分 一 我会拼写。10分 q ng xi m i f ng x n lu ji o j b n m o m ch n ji gu ng g b y n q f n 二 我会写 会读 会改。句子 1 把词语补充完整。8分 鸡报 炊 缭 艳阳 不自条斯辕 辙。2 请写出四...