
发布 2020-11-26 02:25:28 阅读 2054



一、选出下列每组中不同类的一项。(10分)( 1、a、cat b、sheep c、dog d、eleven

)2、a、tiger b、wolf c、dumplings d、bear( )3、a、nineteen b、eighteen c、thirteen d、( 4、a、jump b、dance c、sing d、farm( )5、a、morning b、breakfast c、lunch d、二、根据汉语意思补全单词。(10分)1、r n(跑) a、o b、u c、e d、a

2、j ce(果汁) a、iu b、ui c、aw d、ai3、m lk(牛奶) a、o b、a c、i d、e

4、rab t(兔子) a、be b、bi c、ba d、bc5、f d(食物) a、oo b、ao c、ui d、ee三、单选(30分)

)1、what animals can fly? can fly .a、cats b、dogs c、birds( )2、how much the apples?

a、is b、be c、are

)3、this? it’s a cat.

a、what b、what’s c、where d、where’s

)4、can you sing? yes, i .

a、can b、can’t c、do d、don’t( )5、my f**ourite food is .

a、noodle b、banana c、noodles d、apple( )6、where does a monkey live? .

a、tn a tree b、tn a river c、tn a grass( )7、apples are there ?there are much b、what many c、how many( )8、let’s to the zoo.

a、go b、to go c、going d、goes( )9、i’ll ten apples. by b、let c、take

)10、would you like some porridge?

a、yes, i like. b、no, i’m not. c、no, thanks!( 11、i’m thirty! i want .

a、drink b、to drink c、drinking( )12、horse can’t .

a、swims b、to swim c、swim( )13、a eats meat .a、cow b、tiger c、sheep

)14、in the ,i h**e lunch.

a、evening b、morning c、afternoon( )15、it’s time___b、for c、at

四、从右栏中找出左栏问句的正确答语(10分)。1、are you hungry,jenny? a、eggs and milk.

2、what’s for breakfast? b、yes, i’m very


3、how many pencis do you h**e? c、a chicken.4、what is this? d、five

5、what do you like? e、i like ice cream.五、连词成句。(10分)

1、f**ourite my food is rice2、hore a run can

3、the book on desk is the4、sheep it a is5、meat we some and



y b f wi t n th o l gj d e q


)1、a、duck b、run c、pig d、fun

)2、a、pear b、watermelon c、grape d、fruit( )3、a、eleven b、twelve c、twenty d、number( )4、a、in b、on c、where d、under( )5、a、china b、uk c、usa d、sarah( )6、a、banana b、pear c、short( )7、a、pencil b、car c、ruler

) 8、a、pencil b、book c、school( )9、a、dog b、pig c、play( )10. a、red b、one c、green

) 11. a、girl b、teacher c、bus( )12. a、class b、school c、pen

) 13、a、chinese b、english c、class( )14、a、mother b、father c、teacher( )15、a、twelve b、five c、box


1. i’m from .a: uk b: usa

cat is the in b: under

3.--how many caps do you see? -i see .a: eleven b: seven

mouse has a short b: long

5.--who’s that boy?--is my he b: he

6is that woman---she is myenglish teacher ,miss chen .a where b who c what

7.--how many __can you seenineteen.

a kite b kites c cat

8. i __a new friend .her name is alice .

a am b h**e c has

9. -who is that girlis mysister .

a i b he c she

10are you from ? i’mfrom america .

a where b who c how many

11.--happy women’s day ! miss white

a. happy women’s day b thank you c good idea四、在b栏中找出a栏的正确答语。(每小题1分,共15分)a b

) 1. what’s that ? a. i h**e thirteenpencils

) 2. who’s that woman ? b.

that’sa pen.( 3 . how are you ?

c. i’m from china.( 4,.

how old are you ? d. how do you do ?

(5. where are you from? m、i can see 11.

( 6. how many monkeys can you see? e.


)7. can i h**e some ice-cream ? f. she is mymother.

)8. how many pencils do you h**e ? g. i’meleven

) your mother ? h. i can seetwenty-two monkeys .

) do you do? i. sure.

)11. can i use your pen? j、yes, i do .(12. do you like bananas? k、she’s mymother .

)14. how many cats can you see? l、it’sunder the chair.

)15. where is the ball? m、sure.五、根据情景,选择相应的英语。(10分)

1.当别人问你来自**时,回答:__a: i’mamy. b:i’m from australia.


it’sso big and tall. b:it has small a body and a tail.

3.你问别人有多少支蜡笔,说a: howmany crayons do you h**e?

b : how many crayon?4.

别人问你的钢笔在**时,你回答:__a:oh,where is my pen?

b:oh, it’s in my pencilbox.5.

当别人不喜欢苹果,你想表达你也是时用a:me, too! b:

me ,neither!

6.当你想展示自己的新蜡笔时,可以说a、it's my crayons b. look at my new crayons

7.当别人问你叫什么名字时,应回答说a. my name is li mei. b. i’m from america. .

8.当你很惊讶地看到一只大鹅时,应说 a big goose! b. how beautiful!

9.当你把物品给别人时,应说a. it’shere. b. here you are.


where is my taxi? b. where is my car?六、补全单词。(5分)

) a. e b. a c. u( )l a. ai b. ir c. ur( )k a. oo b. ou c. ow|

)4._ ac_ a. bl,k b. al,k c. pl,k( )a. era b. a ir c. are七、根据提示给下列单词分类。(10分)

a. tiger 表示数字的有2.表示人物的有3.表示动物的有4.表示物品的有5.表示水果的有。



精选公文范文。小学三年级下学期。英语期末试题。各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您 谢谢。三年级下学期英语期末试题答案听力部分。一 听音,选出你所听到的单词,听2遍。二 听音,判断下列 与你听到的内容是否一致,听2遍。三 听音,选出正确答语,听2遍。hedoesn ido.idon hedo...


2013 2014学年度第二学期期末教学质量检测三年级英语试卷。学校 陈官屯小学教师姓名 许君。一 pronounciation 请选出划线部分发音不同的一项,把字母标号填在前面的括号里。5分 1 a fun b under c cut d duck 2 a body b dog c orange ...


三年级下学期语文期末考试试题。测试时间 90分钟满分 100分 时间过得真快,一年的学习生活又将结束,在这一年里你一定学到很多知识,现在就把它展示出来吧,相信你最棒!一 基础知识大检查。共38分 1 看拼音写词语。5分 w n xi p teng yu n g gu n sh ng y u y oy...