
发布 2022-11-25 15:19:28 阅读 7889


学校: 陈官屯小学教师姓名: 许君。

一 pronounciation 请选出划线部分发音不同的一项,把字母标号填在前面的括号里。(5分)

1、( a、fun b、under c、cut d、duck

2、( a、body b、dog c、orange d、ok

3、( a、gift b、milk c、it d、i

4、( a、ten b、teacher c、red d、pen

5、( a、cat b、bag c、apple d、a

二、look and write .读一读,在四线三格内正确书写单词。(10分)

三、 look and choose.看图,请把正确选项的序号填在横线上。(10分)

a、 in the box b、 under the desk c 、on the map

d、on the pencil-box e、under the book

] the grapes are

] the ball is

]the ball is

t': span', c': 4', r': r_22'}]the ball is

]the ball is

四、ask and answer.把意思相符的选项用线连起来。(10分)

1、where are you froma、twelve.

2、how many apples do you h**eb、yes,i do.

3、do you like pearsc、i’m from the usa.

4、where is my boatd、.me,neither.

5、i don’t like watermelonse、it’s on the desk.

五、read and match. 选择与**内容相符的句子,用线连起来。(10分)

1、put your hand on your chair

2、put your arm in your desk..

3、drive a car.

4、read a map.

5、 row a boatb c

d e六、judge .选出与众不同的一项,把字母标号填在括号里。(10分)

1、( a、grandpa b、map c、 brother d、 mom

2、( a、short b、big c、 twenty d、 tall

3、( a、on b、desk c、 ind、 under

4、( a、fourteen b、pencil c、 sixteen d、 ten

5、( a、cap b、yellow c、card、 boat

七、count, cirle and draw.根据提示圈出相应数量的水果,并涂上颜色。(15分)

1、one pear

2、three watermelons

3、eleven oranges

4、twelve strawberries

5、twenty apples

八、read and numer.读一读,排列顺序。(5分)

)wow, so beautiful!

)how many kites do you see?

)no! the black one is a bird!

)look at the kites!

)1,2```i see 12!


a、what’s thisb、how many crayons do you h**e?

c、open it and seed、you h**e 16 crayons

2、 buy some fruit. b、do you like pears? c、 no, i don’t. ,

十、read and match.仔细观察**,判断对错。 8分)

how many cars do you h**e?v

1、do you like grapes?

a、 yes ,i do.

b、 no ,i don’t.

2、do you like bananas?

a 、yes ,i do.

b 、no ,i don’t.

3、how many cars do you h**e?

a 、three.

b 、thirteen.

and 8 makes ··

a .b.


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精选公文范文。小学三年级下学期。英语期末试题。各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您 谢谢。三年级下学期英语期末试题答案听力部分。一 听音,选出你所听到的单词,听2遍。二 听音,判断下列 与你听到的内容是否一致,听2遍。三 听音,选出正确答语,听2遍。hedoesn ido.idon hedo...


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