
发布 2022-11-30 03:14:28 阅读 6691





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( )1. a. white

) 3. b. near

) 5. atelephone

) 6. b. behind

) 7. b. nine

) 9. grandmother

) 10. a. these




) i do i i am

( )like red. is under the table c. it’s book.

( )it’s 8760237 telephone is 8640237 course.

) they are. here you are don’t

) is my family there are. are five

五、听短文三次, 判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,如相符,请在括号内写“t”,否则写“f”。 10 分)

) 1. ann has a little dog.

) 2. miaomiao is a yellow and white cat .

) 3. miaomiao has two small eyes .

) 4. ann is two .

) and miaomiao are sisters..



g..black o. cpurple p. five t .eight

七。 看图,选择适当的单词,抄写在横线上。(6分)

1apples, oranges)are good for us.

2.--what are these?

---they are___chickens, ducks).

mouse is __under, behind)the chair.

are some___monkeys, pigs) in this shop.

cute boy is very___tall, he**y).

there are___three, four)people in my family.


1. p___

九。 选择最佳答句,并把其字母编号写在相应问句的括号内。(8分)

) colour is it、

) i h**e your telephone number?

) old are you?

) fruit do you like?

) there a rabbit in your room?

) cats are these?

) are the mice?

) is this cute baby?

十。选择最佳答案填空,并把其字母编号写在括号内 。(10分)

)1are these?

they are ducks.

)2.--where is the car?

it’s in front___the bike.

) this a photo___your family?

)4___people are there in your family?

many old

) has___rabbits.

( )father isn’t short. he is___


( )grandfather___a bird.

( )8.--whose dogs are these、

my cousin’s

they are are

( )9the cat behind the chair?

yes, it is

( )10.--how___chickens are there?

there are five.

十一。 看图,选择符合图意的句子,并把其字母编号写在相应图的括号内。(5分)

a. the horse has a long tai.

b. orange are good for us.

c. my telephone number is nine-one-three-six-five-two-zero-seven.

d. the cute boy has a toy bear.

e. today is my birthday. i am ten years old.


hello, my___is chen lugang. i am a___boy, i h**e two___

i h**e onems white is my english teacher.


一 小小书法家。看拼音,写词语 8分 l ng zh o d ng sh g n ch zu m ng ji g u y k o w n y n c i 二 一锤定音。用横线画出带点字的正确读音 4分 仿佛 f f 匕 b p 首海参 sh n ca n 数 sh sh 不尽。啾啾 qi ji 绊倒...


人教课标实验版小学数学第六册期末检测题。一 智力拼盘。每空1分,共20分 1 在括号里填上合适的单位名称或数。瑞金市的面积是2448从家到学校约2 4公顷 平方米 9000平方分米 平方米我的身高是 米。是7的 倍 24的6倍是 3 6 34 中,最大是这时 是。4 七彩校园阳光体育节从下午2 30...


一 请你在下面的括号里填上合适的答案。20分 1 和西相对,南和 相对。2 地图通常是按上 下 左 右 绘制的。3 一年有 个月,闰年的2月有 天,平年的2月有 天。4 中国举办奥运会是在 年,这一年是 年。7 今年6月5日是星期二,这个月的20日是星期 5 一列火车下午2 48分出发,第二天早上6...