
发布 2022-11-29 18:58:28 阅读 5620

lesson 5 breakfast, lunch and supper

熟悉单词: breakfast, lunch, supper(能分别与morning afternoon evening搭配)



-what’s your f**ourite food?

-my f**ourite food is___会搭配,找答语)


1. okay, good

这两个词都有“好”的意思。good,是范围比较大的好。如: good teacher好老师 good friend好朋友等。 okay好,行,不错,表示同意许可。

2. f**ourite 最喜欢的表示程度最深。

如:my f**ourite book


3. breakfast 早餐 lunch 午餐 supper 晚餐这三个表示日常餐食时,前面冠词不同,但如果指具体的饮食时,用定管词 the

如: i eat luch in the afternoon.我下午吃午餐。

i like the breakfast that day. 我喜欢那天的那顿饭。

4. go to school 去上学。

5. 重点句型。

what is your f**ourite food ?你最喜欢的食物是什么?

my f**ourite food is noodles.我最喜欢的食物是面条。


1) morninga. 早上b. 起床。

2) breakfasta. 面包b. 早餐。

3) afternoona. 中午b. 下午

4) luncha. 午餐b. 板凳。

5) eveninga. 曾经b. 晚上。

6) suppera. 超过b. 晚餐。

7) eata. 吃 b. 喝。

8) noodlesa. 面条b. 针。


1. dumplingsdelicious.

a. am b. is

2. i goschool in the morning.

a. tob. for

3is your f**ourite food ?

a. whob. where c. what

4. i eat __lunch in the afternoon.

a. abc. the


word list : evening afternoon lunch supper school homework

1. in the afi eat

2. in the ei eat

3. i do my

4. i go to


1) what’s your f**ourite food?

my f**ourite food is

2) what do you do in the morning?

in the morning, i

then i

3) what do you do in the afternoon?

in the evening , i

then i


1) do i my homework

2) meat f**ourite my food is

3) food f**ourite what is your

lesson 6 what is for breakfast?

重点单词: juice, eggs,熟悉单词:porridge, cereal, bread, toast and jam

语法:学习了解西方饮食与中国的不同。 学习餐桌用语。


复习– would you like some___

- yes, please./no, thanks.

--what is for breakfast


1. what’s this? 这是什么?

是一个以疑问词what引导的特殊疑问句,特殊疑问句是对句中某一部分进行提问的疑问句,它的回答是一个肯定句。 主要疑问词有 who, what, where, how, many, how old等。

如:what do you like ? 你喜欢什么?i like noodles.我喜欢面条。

2. for为 ……给 ……如: it’s for you. 它是给你的。

3. canada 国家名称加拿大国家名称在任何时候首字母都要大写。

4. come 来,来临。

动词come第三人称单数形式为comes。 如:he cames from berjing. 他从北京来。

5. would you like…?=do you want…?



1) mother2) afternoon

3) fruit4) vegetables

5) noodles6) dumplings

7) chicken8) drink


a: i like porridge for breakfast.

bi like cereal for breakfast.

ab: in canada, we eat cereal for breakfast. it comes in the box.

i put milk and sugar on it. would you like some ?

aa. no, thanks.

b. it’s delicious!

c. would you like some porridge?

d. cereal? what’s cereal ?


1) what’s thisa. three.

2) what’s for breakfastb. no, thanks.

3) would you like some breadc. bread and milk.

4) how many eggsd. it’s a book.


hi. my name is gao ming. i’m 11.

my father is a teacher. lily is his student. she is in class 4 (四班) .

i’m in class 4, too.

判断正误:1. gao ming is twelve.

2. lily’s teacher is mr. gao.


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