冀教版三年级下19 20课

发布 2022-11-29 18:55:28 阅读 9931

lesson 19 coat and scarf

重点单词: coat, hat

熟悉单词:scarf, gloves, boots


重点句型:is this your __会替换)

whose is this ?

it’s mine.


1. whose 谁的,后面常跟名词。 如:whose book? 谁的书?

2. mine 名词性物主代词,我的,它相当于一个名词,在句子中能单独做主语或表语。

如:the green bag is mine. 这个绿书包是我的。

3. see? i see.

明白吗?我明白。 “see”在这里意思相当于 “understand”或 “do you know?

”用来询问对方是否明白自己的意思。 “i see!”是它的肯定答语。

同步练习:一、 请帮下列汉语找到它的英语伙伴。

) 1. 谁的a. whatb. whose

) 2. 手套a. hatb. gloves

) 3. 这些a. theseb. this

) 4. 围巾a. scarfb. skirt

) 5.外套a. blouseb. coat


1. it’s my birthday present __my mum.

a. from b. to

2. this coat is

a. my b. mine

3. these __my boots.

a. is b. are

4. is it newold?

a. or b. and

5. she __wearing a pink and purple skirt.

a. is b. am

6. is thishat?

a. you b. your

7. i like noodlesbreakfast.

a. for b. to


1. i like your hat. (改为否定句)

iyour hat.

2. these are my books. (就画划线部分提问)

are these ?

3. this is his book. (改写成一般疑问句)

book?4. he’s wearing blue pants.(就划线部分提问)



1. like i your pants new

2. am wearing a i new skirt

3. are these new my socks

4. are what you wearing

5. are not they my pants


ab: no! it’s not mine.ab

a: i see, danny.

a. whose hat is this?

b. they’re nice!

c. it’s tom’s hat.

d. is this your hat. danny?

lesson 20 shoes and socks

重点单词: shoes, socks

熟悉单词:dress, shorts


重点句型:is this his / her___yes! /no! (会搭配,找答语)


1. this 这,这个these 这些 this 和these 都是指示代词,表示在时间上或空间上接近的人或物。

如: this is a car. 这是一辆汽车。 these are cars. 这些是汽车。

2. his 他的 her 她的 her 和 his都是形容词性的物主代词,在句子中起形容词的作用,后面跟名词。

如: his bag 他的书包 her pen 她的钢笔。

3. yes! 是的!

no! 不是! “yes”是一般疑问句的肯定答复,而“no”则是否定答复。



hehisshe her

1. this is li hongis wearing a red skirt.

blouse is white.

2. liu xing is wearing a green shirtlikes green.

green isf**ourite colour.

3dress is pink and purple.

4. this is li ming, _is my brother.

5. the old man is my grandfather, _is a worker.


1. i’ d like some rice. (就划线部分提问)

you like ?

don’t like noodles. (改为否定句)

iare you from? (回答语)

from __

4. this is a pen. (对划线部分提问)

5. i’d like some rice. (一般疑问句)

like some rice?


1. how much __one donut?

a. onb. for

2. may i h**e __apples?

a. some b. any

3. _you know the donut man?

a. dob. are

4is the eraser?

a. how much b. how many

5. may i borrow __pen?

a. myb. your

6. do __like apples?

a. youb. your

7. i like salt __eggs.

a. onb. in

8. it’s time __supper.

a. onb. for

9. i like

a. strawberry b. strawberries

10is for breakfast?

a. whatb. what’s



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