冀教版三年级下9 10课

发布 2022-11-29 18:59:28 阅读 7599

unit 2 food and restaurants教材基本要求:

lesson 9 let’s eat ! let’s drink !

重点单词: apple, banana, orange, tea, milk, water

熟悉单词:grapes, melon, strawberry

语法:学习不可数名词的表示方法。a bottle of pop

重点句型:1复习– would you like some___

-yes, please.

2. i’d like some tea.(会替换)

i’d like=i would like

how many bottles of pop ? two.


1. how many…? 多少 ……后面常跟可数名词的复数形式。

如:how many apples ? 多少个苹果?

2. i’d like.. 即 i would like.. 相当于 i want… 意为“我想要 ……

如: i’d like a bottle of milk. 我想要一瓶牛奶。

3. some 一些, 可以用来修饰可数名词和不可数名词,一般用于肯定句中。

如: i want some milk. 我想要些牛奶。

同步练习:一、 请帮下列汉语找到它的英语伙伴。

) 1. 果汁a. juiceb. fruit

) 2. 瓜a. soupb. melon

) 3. 甜饼干 a. cakeb. cookies

) 4. 三明治 a. sandwich b. milk

) 5. 饺子a. noodles b. dumplings

) 6. 肉a. meatb. chicken



1. wouldlike some tea?

2. letdrink.

3like grapes.

4. are __twelve?


1. apple grapes2. milk chicken

3. cookies noodles4. meat bread


1. how many bottles of pop?

2. would you like some tea?

3. i’d like some tea .

4. i’m hungry , i want to eat.

would you like ?


1. i h**e some apples. (改写成一般疑问句)

h**e __apples?

2. i like hamburgers. (改写成否定句)


3. i’d like some french fries. (就划线部分提问)

like?4. i’d like some soup for breakfast. (对划线部分提问)


lesson 10 in the restaurant

重点单词: sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty


熟悉单词:bowls, plates, glasses, spoons, cups, waiter




1 大多数名词后加—s

2 在以 o s x sh ch 结尾的加--es


4 以f或fe结尾的名词变f&fe为v加—es.

重点句型。i would like会替换)


1. 数次。

16 sixteen, 17 seventeen, 18 eighteen, 19 nineteen

分别是由6 six 7seven 8 eight 9 nine 加词尾 teen组成。

2. be ready to 准备好后跟动词原形。

如:we are ready to go to school. 我们准备好了去上学。

are you ready to order?

i would like a bowl of noodles.

同步练习:一、 写出下列短语的汉语意思。

1. seventeen plates2. a bowl of noodles

3. twenty cups4. a glass of milk

5. nineteen spoons6. a chicken sandwich


) 1. are you ready __order?

a. to b. for

) 2. i’d like a glass __milk.

a. if b. of

) 3. we are __the restaurant.

a. in b. on

) 4. i like bread __fruit.

a. tob. and

) 5. how many apples

a. twenty b. twelve

) 6. 我喜欢蔬菜。

a. i like vegetablesb. i am like vegetables.

) 7. 面条味道好极了。

a. noodles are goodb. noodles are delicious.

) 8. 我晚上写作业。

do my homework in the evening. b. i do your homework in the evening.


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