
发布 2022-11-29 18:54:28 阅读 5551

unit 4: at home教材基本要求:

lesson 25 bedroom

重点单词: bed, dresser

熟悉单词:bedroom, closet, lamp, teddy bear

重点句型: 欣赏歌谣。



2. little 小的一般除用来指物体的大小外,还表达一种感**彩。

如:the boy is a nice little thing. 这个男孩是个可爱的小家伙。

off 掉下,跌倒,指由高处落下因失去平衡而跌倒。

4. call the doctor 给医生打** call sb. 意为:给某人打**。

如:call me this afternoon. 今天下午给我打**。

5. no more 不再,也不如:there is no more food left. 一点食物都没有了。


1. lamp a. 灯 b. 跌倒。

2. closet a. 衣柜 b. 打**。

3. dresser a. 床 b. 床头柜。

4. home a. 家b. 妈妈。

5. bedroom a. 厨房 b. 卧室。


on in offat

1. i get up __the morning.

2. one little teddy bear is __the bed.

3. he fallsthe bike.

4. li ming ishome.

5. he is __the bedroom.


( )1. this shirt is too big. that one is too

a. small b. good

( )2. this pencil is black. that one is

a. red b. white

( )3. the hat is new . that one is

a. oldb. short

( )4. the girl is a pupil. theis a pupil, too.

a. man b. boy

( )5. that coat is goodcoat is good, too.

a. this b. these


1. jenny calls the doctor.

2. three little teddy bears jumping on the bed.

3. he falls off the bed.

4. no more teddy bears jumping on the bed.

5. jenny is at home.

lesson 26 homework


熟悉短语:do homework, read a book, draw a picture(看图连线)

语法:进一步学习一般现在时。 结构:主 +v+ 其它。


i read my books.

i do my homeworks.


1. do one’s homework 做某人的家庭作业 one’s 可以代指my, his, her, our, their要与主语一致。

如:i do my homework. 我做家庭作业。

2. wash the clothes 洗衣服dry the clothes 晾衣服mend the clothes补衣服。

iron the clothes 熨衣服hang up the clothes挂衣服 fold the clothes叠衣服。

3. way 方式,方法。

4. draw a picture 画一幅图如:i like to draw a picture. 我喜欢画画。

5. read 阅读如:read a book 读书。

6. write 写如:write a book 写书


1. read a book2. 做作业。

3. dry the clothes4. 画一幅画。

5. fold the clothes6. 在晚上。

7. wash the clothes8. write a story


( )1. i draw a picturemy story.

a. forb. to

( )2. we wash the clothesa sunday morning.

a. atb. on

( )3. i do __home work in the evening.

a. yourb. my

( )4. we sit __rest on a saturday morning.

a. andb. with

( )5. good morningyou a student?

a. do b. do c. are

( )6. who’s thatshe is my sister.

a. boy b. girl c. woman

( )7. _you ready to order?

a. do b. do c. are

( )8. _the morning, i eat lunch.

a. on b. on c. in

( )9. how old __your sister?


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