
发布 2022-11-27 18:42:28 阅读 8669

一、 请将下列单词补充完整。

1 d__ t__r 2 m__th__ 3 n__ se 4 m__ th

5 h__a __6 f__ t 7 h__s 8 s__st__


1 s__ ter (姐妹) a. si b. is c. ro

2 f __mer (农民) a. ri b. rac. ar

3 h __d (头) a. ea b. anc. ae

4 h她的) a. is b. erc. ow

5 f__ t (脚) a. oo uo


1. arm a. 黑色的 6 driver f.农民。

2. black b. 妈妈 7 desk g. 救命。

3. body c. 椅子 8 farmer h.书桌。

4. mother d. 胳膊 9 help i. 司机。

5. chair e. 身体 10 pupil j. 小学生。


)1 a. brother b. farmerc. sister

)2 a. sheb. hisc. her

)3 a. handb. mouthc. leg

)4 a. schoolb. classroom c. pupil

)5 a. driverb. doctorc. door

)6 a. msb. shec. he

)7 a. cakeb. lookc. bird

)8 a. inb. onc. point

)9 a. teacherb. father c. mother

)10 a. whereb. whatc. your


)1 她的 a. her b. she c. his

)2 农民 a. driver b. farmer c. father

)3 姐妹 a. brother b. grandma c. sister

)4 我(宾格)a. ib. me c. my

)5 头 a. hand b. nose c. head

)6 母亲 a. mother b. farmer c. father

)7 医生 a. nurse b. policeman c. doctor


1 driver(动词形式2 that is(缩写形式。

3 foot (复数形式4 he’s (完整形式。

5 he(形容词性物主代词6 i (宾格形式。

7 policeman (复数形式8 mother(对应词。

9 her (主格10 is not (缩写形式。


)1 this ismother.

a. ib. mec. my

)2 this isfathera doctor.

a. he’s, his b. her, she’s c. his, he’s

)3 how many __

a. boy b. doctorc. farmers

)4 she is __english teacher.

a. ab. thec. an

)5 – your cat __your kite?

-- oh, it’s a cat kite.

a. andb. don’t c. or

)6 my __is a pupil. she’s twelve.

a. mother b. sister c. father

)7 – is this __red bag?

it is.

a. \yes b. a , yes c. an , no

)8 – look, this is my mother.

-and __is my teacher.

a. she b. she’s c. she

)9 – is it a panda?

a. yes, it is. b. no, it is. c. yes, it isn’t.

)10 two and two __four.

a. isb. amc. are


a. her b. this c. eyes d. to e. is

1 this is __ears.

2 point to his

3is my nose.

4 pointyour mouth.

5 it __a book.


)1 what’s your name?

)2 how are you?

)3 what is that?

)4 how old are you?

)5 how many girls?

a. i’m fine. thank you.

b. my name is daming.

c. i’m ten.

d. five girls.

e. it’s a monster.


1 how old are ( you \ your )?

2 point ( to \ too ) his nose.

3 this is ( he \ his ) foot.

4 this is ( an \ a ) panda.

5 this is my father. (she’s \ he’s ) a policeman.


)1 this is my mother. he is a driver

a b c )2 is this you father

a b c )3 point to she mouth

a b c )4 that is he’s dog

a b c )5 how many kite

a b c十。


eleven motherpandagrandma

bageight brother pen

pencil bird threecat




1 my \ is \ mother \ this \

2 is \ and \ your \ this \ sister \

3 a \ is \ teacher \ she\ .

4 your \ this \ is \ father \

5 to \ point \ nose \ her \


1 how many boys?

2 this is my school.

3 is it a dragon?


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