三年级下册Unit5 7测试卷

发布 2022-11-27 13:01:28 阅读 8758






) 1. a. breadb. breakfast c. bean

) 2. a. bedb. bagc. box

) 3. a. getb. timec. eat

) 4. a. cowb. nowc. how

) 5. a. thisb. thesec. those

) 6. a. fiveb. fourc. for

二、听录音,判断所听内容与下列句子是否一致,用√或×表示,听两遍。 (6%)

) 1. what’s the time?

) 2. hurry up, mike.

) 3. welcome to toy museum.

) 4. don’t be late for class again.

) 5. breakfast is ready.

) 6. what are those under the tree?


) 1. a. 上学不要迟到了b. 上学不要再迟到了。

( )2. a. 请问几点钟b. 现在几点钟?

) 3. a. 在树下的那些是什么? b. 在树下的这个是什么?

) 4. a. 欢迎来到我的农场b. 欢迎来到玩具博物馆。

( )5. a. 你想要冰淇淋吗b. 你想要鸡蛋吗?

) 6. a. 到了**睡觉的时间了。 b. 到了吃午饭的时间了。



1. ais it?

b: it’so’clock. it’s __for___

2. a: what arethe bag?

b: they’re

3. a: how___are you?

b: i’myou?



) 1. robot get2. breakfast door

) 3. farm nurse4. up duck

) 5. welcome come6. cow now


1. 吃晚饭2. 赶快。

3. 许愿4. 这些牛。

5. 那些小鸡6. 欢迎来到农场。

7. 早餐准备好了8. 做冰淇淋。

9. 上学迟到10.这里是你的书包。


) 1. —what time is itseven.

a. this isb. that’sc. it’s

) 2. _mike! it’s time to h**e lunch.

a. wake upb. hurry upc. get up

) 3. —what are thesepencils.

a. it’s ab. they arec. these are

) 4. —is that your fathernoisn’t.

a. itb. hec. she

) 5. —these birdsthey are birds.

a. are, nob. is, yesc. are, yes

) 6. —is this my crayon

a. yes, this isb. yes, it isc. no, it is.

) 7is your skirtit’s beside the bed..

a. whatb. where c. where’s

) 8. i___eat. i __an apple.

a. want, wantb. want to, wantc. want, want to

) 9a nice cake!

a. what is b. whatc. what’s

) 10. —how old___he? he is __

a. is, fivec. is, five


the, please, is, time (

under, are, what ,the,tree( ?

lovely, on ,can, farm, i, the, cows (.

4. is , for , pencil, this ,you, tim (,my, welcome, school, beautiful (.


)1. is it a ducka. it’s a duck.

)2. how old are youb. no, it isn’t.

)3. what are thesec. yes, they are ducks.

)4. what’s thisd. they are oranges.

)5. welcome to my farme. thank you.

)6. this is for youf. it’s seven.


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