
发布 2022-11-09 14:17:28 阅读 6723






10、礼物 11、一只黑色的猫___12、他的床。

13、四只鸟 14、在七点钟15、玩象棋。




1、mikedo) his homework every day.

2、i __be) fat, but she __be) thin..

3、we likeplay) basketball after class.

4、my mother candance)

5、my grandmawatch) tv every day.

三、选择最佳的答案:(每小题2分,共40分。 )

1. _alice often play the piano? no, she __

a. do; do b. does; does c. does; doesn’t

2. _your mother __in beijing? a. do; live b. does, lives c. does; live

3. tom and mike __very happy. a. is b. are c. am

4. fangfang is a good pupil. she __maths. c. is like

5. i __a student. i go to school __bus every day. a. is; by b. am; on c. am; by

6. i __a brother. she __a sister. a. h**e; has b. has; has c. h**e; h**e

7. you __a student. he __a teacher. a. is; is b. are; is c. are; are

8. she doesn’t __listening to the music. a. often b. like c. likes

9、 my f**ourite toy is __a、a kite b、red c、a song

10、--what are they? -they are __a、monkey b、big c、lions

11、--do you like fish

a、yes, i don’t b、no, i don’t c、yes, he does

12、--does xiaoyong like apples

a、yes, he do b、yes, he doesn’t c、no, he doesn’t

13、--pass me the rice, please

a、yes, i am b、no, it isn’t c、here you are

14、--what __she do __the weekendshe plays basketball.

a、does, at b、does, in c、do, at

15、this book is __spring b、about c、at

16、--it’s christmas todayhappy __

a、new year b、christmas c、spring festival

17、it’s spring. it’s___in spring. a、warm b、cold c、hot

18、--has sam got a sweateryes, _

a、he has b、he hasn’t c、he does

19is thisa present for you.

a、where b、what c、how

20、--what’s the time

a、it’s half past twelve b、it’s four thirty o’clock c、it’s six half

四、 连词成句。(10分)

i home go bike by

it’s in hot summer

i football like

she tv watches six at o’clock

does amy noodles like



a、how do you go to school? b、how do you go school?

c、where is the school?


a、what do you do at school? b、what’s your school?

c、what do you h**e at school?


a、what’s your f**ourite toy? b、what’s your f**ourite colour?

c、what’s your f**ourite food?

)4、问别人是否有一件新外套时,可以说:a、h**e you get a new coat? b、has you got a new coat?

c、h**e you got a new coat?

)5、今天热且太阳很好,你可以说:a、it’s hot and sunny todayb、it’s hot and windy today. c、it’s hot and raining today.


hi! i'mten .i h**e breakfast at ateighto' ,maths,englishandscienceinthemorning.

i h**e lunch attwelve o' playfootball at four .

i h**e dinner go tobedat nineo'clock .

tlike apples,my f**ouritecolour isgreen .

pleasetell meabout you .ok?


)1,sam is 10.

)2,sam goes to school at 7:30.

)3,sam likes apples .

)4sam's f**ourite colour is green .

)5,sam goes to bed at 10:00.


小学英语三年级下册期末考试试卷。班级 姓名分数。听力部分 40分 i.听录音,找出与所听内容相符的选项,将其编号填入题前括号内。10分 ii.听录音,选出你所听到的句子。10分 from the from the usa.has a small head.b.it has a short tail ...


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第一单元位置与方向 1 东与西 相对 南与北 相对 东南 西北 相对 西南 东北 相对。找好中心点,清楚以谁为标准来判断位置。理解位置是相对的 2 地图通常是按 上北 下南 左西 右东 来绘制的。做题时先标出北南西东 3 会看简单的路线图,会描述行走路线。一定写清楚从哪儿向哪个方向走,走了多少米,到...