
发布 2022-11-06 09:04:28 阅读 8395

unit 3 how do you get to school?

period 1 (section a 1a—1c)


新目标英语》教材的语言教育理念是:知识用于行动,强调“语言应用”,培养“创新、实践能力”,发展“学习策略”让学习者通过运用语言来完成各种各样的交际活动。本课是新目标英语七年级下册第三单元,教材以“transportation”为中心话题,围绕“how questions”和“talk about how to get to places”展开,学习运用 “i take/ride the/a…”和 “i go to…by…”;面对七年级学生,他们有了上学期的学习经验,有了一定的英语基础知识和听说能力,有了初步的自主合作,**学习能力,却有很大的不稳定性。




1.key vocabulary: train, bus, subway, ride, bike, ride a bike, take the subway.

2.key structures:

how do/does you/he get to ……

i take/ride the ……to……

i go to……by(on foot)……

3.ability aims:

ask and answer about “how do/does you/he get to……?to train their listening、speaking、and reading skills. and to develop students communicative competence.


1.将1a,1b和1c整合为一个模块,以“how to get to…”为线索,学习新词和重点句型;把1c重新设计为听力之后填**的一个任务,学生明确了听力中五位同学不同的到校方式,为他们后面的口语交际做好铺垫。

2.课堂的延伸,在对话中延伸至其他的交通方式(by plane等)学生既感兴趣,又巩固了所学知识;设置情景让学生明白健康环保的交通工具是我们的首选。



to be interested in taking part in activities in an english class.

healthy environmental protection of transportation is our first choice.



句型操练。how do/does you/he get to ……

i take/ride the ……to……

i go to……by(on foot)……






2、学生准备:预习section a的内容:

1)memorize the new words;

2)write down important language points;

3)underline the difficulties.


step1: warm up

watch a video and act it out to warm the whole class.

step 2: lead in

look at the picture, how many kinds of transportation do you see?

by asking the question to move to the lesson.

step 3: presentation

1、learn these new words and phrases.

take the train/car/bus/subway/taxi/plan/ship/boat...

ride the bike/bicycle/motorbike

walk= on foot

learning these new words and reading them three times after the teacher.

2、play a game to strength these new phrases.


3、finishing the task on the book of 1a: match the words with the pictures. and check the answers quickly.

4、learning the sentences.

watching a video and answer the question”how do you get to school?””i take the...to get to school “

look the pictures, and imitate the sentences.

a: how do you get to school?

b: i take the ..to school.

and the h**e a pair work with the sentence structure.

look at the flash and answer the question.

how does he get to school?

he rides a bike to school .=he gets to school by bike.

and practice the sentences structure with the help of the pictures by guessing game.

step 4: listening and practicing

1、listen and write the numbers next to the correct students in the picture.

2、pair work

according to 1b and make conversations.

a: how does bob get to school?

b: he takes the bus to school.

3、h**ing a survey and ****** a conversation.

where are you going on national day?

how are you going ?

make conversations like this……

a: hello, how are you?

b: i’m fine thanks. national day is coming, where do you want to go?

a: i want to go to beijing.

b: oh, that sounds interesting, but how do you get to beijing?

a: i take the train to get to beijing.

b: h**e a good time.

step 5: consolidation


1. how do you get to school?

i get to school

ito school.

2. how do you get to school?

i get to school

ito school.

do you get to xi’an?

i get to xi’an __

ito xi’an.

4. how does he get to school?

he gets to school

heto school.

does she get to school?

she gets to school

sheto school.

do they get to school?

they get to school

theyto school.

step 6: summary

****** a summary of the whole class.

step 7: homework

1、copy the new words and phrases.

2. make a survey.

how do your parents go to work?


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