宜昌市2023年中考英语模拟试题 1

发布 2022-11-04 17:30:28 阅读 1968

听力部分 (25分)


1. a. they are delicious. b. very wellc. a lot.

2. a. yes, pleaseb. that’s greatc. what a good idea!

3. a. never mindb. of course, if you like. c. you’re welcome.

4. a. well, that’s a deal. b. i’m afraid notc. sooner or later.

5. a. what’s upb. i’m herec. sorry, she’s out at the moment.


6. a. the box is empty.

b. there’s only a card in the box. c.

the box has lots of cards.

7. a. it’s an-hour ride by bike from here. b. i can walk to my school in an hour.

c. it is an hour since i rode to school.

8. a. “mtv” is quite a popular music programme from “music television”.

b. “mtv” sounds like “music television”.

c. “mtv” is short for “music television”.

9. a. we should all try our best to make the environment better.

b. we should make full use of the environment.

c. we should live a better life with the help of the environment.

10. a. they were not interested in the wonderful concert at all.

b. they fell asleep during the wonderful concert.

c. they were deeply attracted by the wonderful concert.




11. what’s the weather like in hangzhou these days?

a. rains a lot. b. very windy. c. a bit cold.

12. at what time does the train le**e for beijing?

a. 4:05. b. 14:05. c. 14:15.

13. what does the man offer to do?

a. write a letter. b. take a message. c. send the letter.

14. what are the two speakers talking about?

a. plan for a business trip. b. work at the weekend. c. plan for the weekend.

15. what did the girl probably do?

a. got up early this morning. b. went to bed late last night.

c. worked hard this morning.


16. why does the man le**e early?

a. because he is too tired. b. because he is catching a flight.

c. because he doesn’t like to stay.

17. where is the man going?

a. he is going home. b. he is going to a station. c. he is going to his office.


18. what’s the matter with the woman?

a: she has got a toothache. b. she has got a backache. c. she has got a headache.

19. how does the doctor look her over?

finding the place which asking many questions.

taking her temperature and so on.

20. what does the doctor tell her to do?

lifting. b. h**e a lot of rest. c. get up early every day.


many people are there in mabel’s family?

c. nine.

mabel go to school?

a car. bus.

is mabel popular with her teachers and classmates?

she’s never she does well in her subjects.

she’s polite and friendly.

did mabel get hurt while she made her way to school?

a. she was busy thinking about a problem. ran to s**e the boy.

c. she was crossing the street without looking around.

kind of girl do you suppose mabel is?

is as clever as good. is poor but helpful. is hard-working.


v 情景交际及语法知识:从下列各题所给a、b、c、d四个选项中选择一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案。共15小题,计15分。

26. -would you mind if i take the seat next to you?

the person who was here has finished his lunch and left.

a. certainly notb. enjoy yourself

c. better not, pleased. i’m afraid not

27. -what a nice meal! thank you for h**ing us.

i’m so glad you enjoyed it.

a. it’s nothingb. it was a pleasure

c. not nice enoughd. with pleasure

28. -i like summer best among the four seasons. what about you?

they’re all the same to me.

a. so do i b. yes, i think so c. oh, i don’t d. no problem

29. -granny, my head hurts badly and i don’t feel like eating.

宜昌市2023年中考英语模拟试题 1

听力部分 25分 i情景反应 你将听到5个问题,每个问题你都将看到供选择的三个答案,请你根据听到的问句选择适当的答语。每个问题之后你有三秒钟的答题时间。听一遍。共5小题,计5分。1.a.they are delicious.b.very wellc.a lot.2.a.yes,pleaseb.tha...


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