
发布 2022-10-23 08:05:28 阅读 2102

七年级英语上册unit 2复习提纲 7a unit2 期末复习专项练习――词组和句子一词组唤醒 wake up **睡觉 go to bed & go to sleep 做些课外的活动do some after-school activities 做早操 do morning exercises 对某人好 be nice to sb 练习作某事 practise doing sth 玩的开心 h**e a good time & h**e fun 给某人看 show sth to sb 给某人写电子邮件write an e-mail to sb&e-mail sb 在……上花时间/钱spend (time / money) on sth. 花时间/钱做某事spend (time / money) (in) doing sth. 一周两次twice a week 做模型飞机make model planes 看太多的电视 watch too much tv 在电视上**足球比赛watch football matches on tv 遇见meet up with sb.

在周一on monday&在每个周一on mondays 去上舞蹈课go to dancing lessons 一直all the timexkb1忙于做某事be busy with sth &be busy doing sth. 了解许多关于 know a lot about& 了解更多know /learn more about 像某人问好 say hello to sb. 去旅行go on a trip= h**e a trip 组织班级旅行organize the class trip 得到关于……的信息get some information about… 中国太空博物馆the china space museum 中国科技博物馆the china science and technology museum 除周一外的每一天every day except monday 每位学生所花的**the price for each student 向你的朋友和老师求助ask your friends and teacher for help 因……而感谢 thank you for doing 期待,期盼做什么 look forward to doing 打开电灯turn on the lights&关闭收音机turn off the radio 收到某人的来信hear from sb.

= get a letter from sb. 自由/有空be free = h**e time 一条新闻a piece of news 对…有好处 be good for 二、重点句子及句型: 1.

it’s time for breakfast是吃早饭的时间了 2. some dogs just don't know how to h**e fun有些狗就是不知道如何享乐。 f**ourite lessons are chinese and english我最喜欢的课是英语语文。

4. i spend about an hour a day doing my homework. 我一天大概花两个小时时间写家庭作业 5.

sometimes we practise playing volleyball after school. 有时候我们放学后练习打排球 6. do you know where mr wu is?

你知道胡老师在哪儿吗? 7. she walks eddie every day.

她每天都带爱迪去散步 8. she doesn't h**e much time to chat with her friends. (h**e time to do sth.


9. each student can spend ¥10.每个学生可以花10块钱 .

10. the price is too high. **太高了 11.

the zoo is open from 7:30 to 5:00 动物园从早上7点半到下午5点开放 are all looking forward to a great day out.


一 单词。1.连衣裙2.通常地3.四十4.从不5.早的6.五十7.车站8.滑稽可笑的 9.锻炼10.组11.一刻钟 12.作业 13.很快地 14.也 否定句15.有时 16.品尝 17.生命 pl.18.一半 19.最好的 二 短语。1.起床2.去上学。3.穿衣服4.刷牙。5.吃早餐6.洗淋浴。7...


unit2 复习。注释 1.宾格用于动词或介词的后面,介词有with of for to等。i want to help with english 我想帮助他学习英语。it s very kind of 你真好。why not tell about the news?为什么不告诉我那个新闻?2 形容...


unit2 一 常用表达法。1.iknow isee我明白了。2.that sright you re right.那 你是对的。3.h e the same look n.look the same 系动词 有着相同的长相 看起来很相像 h edifferentlooks lookdifferen...