
发布 2022-10-11 20:35:28 阅读 1374


一。 教学内容:

二。 教学重点:




三。 具体内容。

一)comparative adjectives and ****** comparison.


1. 形容词比较级构成的规则变化。

2. 形容词比较级构成的不规则变化。

3. 用法:形容词比较级用于两者之间的比较。

i am older than you.



the nile is longer than the mississippi.

the yangtze river is longer than the yellow river.

4. 需注意的形容词比较级的用法:

在形容词比较级前还可以用much, even, far, a lot, still, a little…来修饰。

my apples are much bigger than yours.

diamond is even harder than steel.

he is even slower than before.

it is a little warmer today than yesterday.


the best wine in france

the largest country in the world

5. 形容词部分双音节词和所有多音节词,要在前面加more构成比较级,加(the) most构成最高级。

important- more important – the most important

beautiful- more beautiful –the most beautiful

los angeles is more beautiful than london.

this pen is more expensive than that one.

6. 形容词比较级的其他用法:


句型:…times + bigger/longer +than…表示“比……大/长几倍”。

the yangtze river is ten times longer than the river in your city.



she is a head taller than me.

my elder sister is three years older than me.



the earth is getting warmer and warmer.

my hair is getting longer and longer.

the garden is becoming more and more beautiful.


句型:the +比较级……,the +比较级……

the busier he is, the happier he feels.

the sooner, the better.

the more angry she became, the more they laughed at her.

the harder you work, the better you will do.


句型:which/who is +比较级a or b?

—who is happier, you or your father?

—i am.

二)questions with “how + adjective”

1. —how long is the nile river?

the nile river is about 6,671 km long.

2. —how high is the great pyramid?

the great pyramid is 137 meters high.

3. —how far is beijing from shanghai?

it’s about 1000km.

4. —how deep is the grand canyon?

it’s about …deep.

5. —how old is the palace museum?

it’s about 580 years old.




做主语使用:someone wants to see you.

做宾语使用:i know nothing about it.

做表语使用:money isn’t everything.

1. 由every构成的everybody/everyone, everything都含有概括的意思,表示一切人或事物。

everybody/everyone has a book. 每人(大家)都有一本书。

2. someone/somebody, anyone/anybody 均表示某人,something,anything均表示某物,someone/somebody,something 一般用于肯定句,anybody/anyone,anything一般用于否定句或疑问句。

there is someone / somebody in the room.

there isn’t anybody/anyone in the room.

is there anybody/anyone in the room?

3. 和some一样,somebody/someone,something有时也用于疑问句中,含有肯定的意思(表示请求,建议或反问)。

why not ask somebody to help us?

is someone coming this morning?

4. anybody/anyone, anything 也可以用来表示任何人,任何事。

you can do anything you want.

5. 形容词可以修饰不定代词,但必须放在不定代词的后面。

i found nothing interesting in today’s news*****.

注意:1. 不定代词做主语,谓语动词用单数。

2. 有修饰语时,须放在不定代词的后面。

3. something, anything, nothing可用it代替,someone, somebody, everyone等做主语时可用he/she, 或they代替,做宾语时可用him/her,或them代替。

四)useful expressions

1. be famous as…

be famous for …

yao ming is famous as a good basketball player.

yao ming is famous for playing basketball well.

2. used to do

i used to get up early when i was little.

be/get/become used to doing

i’m used to living in the north.

3. not…any more=no more

i’m no more a little girl.=i’m not a little girl any more.

not… any longer= no longer.

she no longer lives here. =she doesn’t live here any longer.

4. be good for 对……有好处。

too much sun isn’t good for you.

eating more vegetables is good for your health.

课堂练习:i. 单选。

1. oct 15th was one of days in 2005. i visited peking university.


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