
发布 2022-09-25 16:17:28 阅读 8814





i. 判断下列单词中画线部分的发音是(√)否(×)相同。(共5分,每小题1分。)

ii. 选出与所给单词不同的一项。(共10分,每小题2分。)

) 1. nature flower c. picture

) 2. beside a. behind b. frontc. dirty

) 3. hilla. mountain b. treec. high

) 4. freshc. speak

) 5. around wowc. about

iii. 英汉互译。(共20分,每小题2分)

1. 在。前面(写出英文2. so many(写出中文。

3. go boating(写出中文4. on the floor(写出中文。

5. 看一看(写出英文短语6. everywhere(写出中文。

7. lots of(写出中文8. f**ourite(写出中文。

9. are not(写出缩写形式10.水瓶(写出英文。

iv. 单项选择。(共20分,每题2分。)

) 1. there a river in the park?

a. isb. arec. am

) 2. there are not young girls in the classroom?

a. anyb. somec. a

) 3there some water? -yes, there is.

a. areb. bec. is

) 4. i would like eat a hamburger.

ab. toc. h**e

) 5. there are some on the mountain

a. waterb. peoplec. tree

) 6. there is a bridge the river.

a. onb. abovec. over

) 7. there two books and a pen in my room.

a. isb. arec. /

) 8. let’s go and h**e look.

a. ab. anc. the

) 9. i a computer on the table.

a. amb. willc. h**e

) 10. i h**e a party next wednesday.

a. willbc. do

v. 按要求完成下列各题。(共15分,每小题3分)

1. there a computer the is desk on . 连词组句)

2. do what can you连词组句)

3. is a nature park there连词组句)

4. i can to play basketball错, 改为。

a b c5. there are a bike and two cars错,改为。

a b c 根据短文意思判断正误。(t=true, f= false. )共10分,每小题2分)

hello! my name is tom. i like english very much.

my f**ourite food is beef. i am very helpful at home. i can clean the room, wash the clothes and water the flowers.

today is saturday. i often read books, do my homework and watch tv on saturdays. i often play football on sundays.

what do you do on the weekend?

)1. tom likes beef very much.

)2. tom can wash the clothes.

)3. tom often cleans the room on saturdays.

)4. it is sunday today.

)5. tom often plays football on sundays.

vii. 找出下列问句的答语。(共10分,每空2分)

)1. what can you doa. two.

)2. are there some fishes in the waterb. yes, i do.

)3. tomorrow is my birthdayc. yes, there are.

)4. how many students are thered. happy birthday!

)5. do you like to sing and dancee. i can play football.

viii. 将下列句子排序,组成一段通顺的对话。(共10分,每小题2分。)

) great! how many people are there in your family?


)hello, john. nice to meet you.

)it’s the photo of my family.

)nice to meet you, too. what’s that?


泗溪中心小学2014 2015学年度上学期第三次月考语文试卷。一看拼音,写词语 10分 j n sh n ti o tz o g o ti o w ng mi n ti n tu tq tg suzh n d ng ji ti h u ji o 二 把下列词语补充完整,并选择一个词语造句。8分 欢声...


小学三年级数学月考试卷。一 填一填。1.56是7的 倍,45的8倍是 2.0与任何数相乘都得 1与任何数相乘都得 3 从 这四张卡片中选数字组成算式计算结果,得数最小是 最大是 4的商是 位数,最高位是 16 50的积的末尾有 个0。5 52 6的商是三位数,里面有 种不同的填法。7 48 这道题余...


六安九中2013年秋学期九年级第三次月考。数学试卷。命题人 卢英华审题人 张其成。时间 120分钟满分 150分 一。选择题 1.在中,则。abcd.2.在中,2,则下列结论正确的是。a.b.c.d.以上都不正确。3.如图,三点在正方形网格线的交点处,若将绕着点逆时针旋转得到,则的值为 a.b.c....