
发布 2022-09-25 05:11:28 阅读 4633









6. what’s linda’s friend’s name?

a. lindab. janec. jack


7. what color is alan’s watch?

a. blueb. whitec. black


8. where is mary’s teacher?

a. in the classroom b. in the library c. in the room


9. what’s this?

a. a penc. a tape

10. what color does the boy like?

a. redb. yellow c. black


11books are on the desk.

a. twob. threec. six

12. where’s linda’s pencil?

a. on the bed b. on the desk c. under the chair


13. what color is peter’s bag?

a .redb. yellow c. black

14. what’re in the bag?

a. a baseball and a dictionary.

b. an english book and a dictionary

c. an english book and a baseball

15. what’s the phone number on the card?

a.736-8329 b.536-8329 c.536-8392


16. what’s the girl’s last name?

a. amyb. brownc. green

17.__things are in the schoolbag.

a. twob. threec. four

18. what color is the pencil?

a. redb. bluec. yellow

19. what is white ?

a. the watch b. the bagc. the school card

20. what’s the girl’s school card number?





)26. -good afternoon, alicebob!

a. good morning b. i’m ok.. c. good evening d. good afternoon

)27. -how is graceshe is

a. goodb. nicec. fined. not

)28. -what color is it

a. it’s goodb. it’s z c. it’s blue d. it’s a cup

)29. this is __orange.__orange is orange.

a. a, theb. an, the c. the, an d. the, a

)30j-a-c-k-e-t, jacket.[**:z_xx_

a. how do you spell itb. can you spell it, please?

c. what’s this in englishd. spell your name, please.

)31. this __my brother and those __my friends.

a. is, areb. are, isc. are, ared. is, is

)32. –is this your map

a. yes, it isn’t. b. yes, this is. c. no, it isn’t. d. no, it is.

)33. bbc是的缩写。

a.联合国 b.中国职业篮球 c.英国广播公司 d.不明飞行物。

)34. my name is jenny green. my last name is

a. greenb. jennyc. jenny green d. green jenny

)35.__name is mike and __name is helen.

a. his, herb. he, myc. you, she d. your, i

)36.—what’s his telephone number625-7886.

a. it’sb. i’mc. she’sd. he’s

)37. .are these her rulers

a. yes, these are b. no, they aren’t c. no, these aren’t. d. yes, they aren’t.


周宁县2015 2016学年上学期七年级期中质量检测。英语试题。考试时间 100分钟满分 100分 本试卷分为第 卷和第 卷两部分。第 卷 第1 65题 的选择题用2b铅笔填涂 第 卷 第66 76题 请按题号顺序在答题卡区域内作答。第 卷。听力部分 20分 一 听句子,选择正确 每个句子读两遍。5...


同学们,大家学习英语已经有半个学期了,衷心希望你们在英语学习中获得进步和快乐。老师希望大家能以认真的态度 饱满的精神投入到这次测试中,把精彩展示在大家面前。good luck 一 听力部分 30分 i.听句子,选出你所听到的 并把序号添入括号内。5分 abcde ii.听对话,给下列 编号 1 5 ...


2010年秋七年级英语期中检测试卷。本卷满分100分,考试时间90分钟 第一部分听力部分 20分 一 根据所给的内容,在横线上填入与你所听到的内容相应的序号 a e 5分 二 从下面的选项中选出你所听到的单词,每个单词念两遍。5分 1.a.good b.look c.book d.too 2.a.c...