
发布 2023-02-23 10:26:28 阅读 7607















5.watches (单数6.i(形容词性物主代词。


8. let us (缩写形式10、h**e(单数第三人称)__

. 将下列单词分别归类,并再补充一个:(10分)

three, pencil sharpener , uncle, desk, volleyball, banana, cousin, orange

four, tennis, apple, nine, aunt, ping-pong bat, backpack.





1. two, are, my, those, brothers.

2. her, pencil, is, green, case.

3. are, on, the, they, sofa.

4. backpacks, are, these, your

5. pencil, where, my is

。 选择填空(20分)

)1. linda brown is my good friend. her father is __

a. johnson brown b. johnson smith c. brown johnson d. smith johnson

)2 this is __pen.

a. my a b. the my c. a my d my

)3. you and i __students in this school

a. are b. is c. am d. be

)4. -is thisdictionary?

-no, _isn’t __dictionary.

a. his; it; me b. your; it; my c. your; this; my d. my; it; my

)5. lucy __computer games.

like b. isn’t like c. doesn’t like d. not like

)6. do you h**e __basketball? let’s play __basketball after school(放学后。)

a. an; a b. a; a /

)7. -excuse me , sonia. what’s this in english ?


a. an alarm clock b. a hat c. a ring

)8. -let’s watch sports game on tv .

a. yes, let’s watch. b. that sounds relaxing c. no, that’s fun

)9.this is a

a.apple b.apples c.banana d.bananas

( )10is my english teacher.

a. paul smith b. smith paul c. kate linda d. linda kate

( )11 . sorry. this is noteraser.

a. anb. my an c. a myd. an my

)12. is that your dictionary ? no

a. it is b. it isn’t c. that isd. that isn’t

( )13. my fatherlunch at home.

a. hasn’t b. h**en’t c. don’t h**e d. doesn’t h**e

)14. look! some saladhere and some hamburgerson the plate.

a. is, is b. are, are c. is, are d. are, is

( )15. what colorjim’s shoes? _black.

a. is, it’s b. are, they’re c. is, its d. are, they looks

( )16your parentsgood friends?

a. is, you b. are, your c. do, h**e d. b and c

)17. tomtwo good friends. theynine.

a. h**e, are b. has, h**e c. has, are d. is, are

)18. my good friend’s name is jim green. green is his

a. first name b. last name c. family name d. b and c

)19. -let’s play volleyball!

-i don’t like to play volleyball. that sounds __

a. fun b. interesting c. boring d. good

)20.--is this your video tape

a. no, it’s my video tape. b. yes, it’s your video tape. c. no, it’s her video tape


同学们,大家学习英语已经有半个学期了,衷心希望你们在英语学习中获得进步和快乐。老师希望大家能以认真的态度 饱满的精神投入到这次测试中,把精彩展示在大家面前。good luck 一 听力部分 30分 i.听句子,选出你所听到的 并把序号添入括号内。5分 abcde ii.听对话,给下列 编号 1 5 ...


2010年秋七年级英语期中检测试卷。本卷满分100分,考试时间90分钟 第一部分听力部分 20分 一 根据所给的内容,在横线上填入与你所听到的内容相应的序号 a e 5分 二 从下面的选项中选出你所听到的单词,每个单词念两遍。5分 1.a.good b.look c.book d.too 2.a.c...


七年级语文期中检测试卷 2012.11 时量120分钟 满分100分。一 积累和运用。一 单项选择题 共8分,每小题2分 1 下列词语中加点字的注音有错误的一组是 a 黄晕 y n 应和 hu恍然大悟 hu ng b 嬉戏 x贮蓄 zh疲倦不堪 k n c 凹凸 t凝成 n ng灰心丧气 s ng ...