
发布 2023-02-23 10:10:28 阅读 4176


good luck!


i. 听句子,选出你所听到的**,并把序号添入括号内。(5分)abcde

ii. 听对话,给下列**编号(1--5)。(5分)

. 听对话, 并根据问句选择答案。(7分)

)1. a. 3986149 b. 3893140 c. 3986159

)2. a. blueb. redc. blue and red.

)3. a. on the sofa. b. in the backpack. c. in the pencil case.

)4. a. yes, he does. b. yes, she does. c. no, she doesn’t.

)5. a. no, it's an egg. b. no, it's a pear. c. no, it's an apple.

)6. a. helenb. smithc. helen smith.

)7. a. yes, she is. b. no, she isn’t. c. yes, he is.

. 听对话,判断句子正(t)误(f)。(4分)

) 1. sally doesn’t h**e a computer.

) 2. sally thinks(认为) volleyball is interesting.

) 3. ben has a soccer ball.

) 4. they will(将要) play basketball.

v. 听短文,完成下列**,每空一词。(9分)


i. 根据句意,用所给词的正确形式填空。(10分)

1. my phone nis 3637256.

2. your uncle’s son is your c

3. -sdown, please. -thank you.

4. maria ha brother.

5. five and six is e

6. -how do you sit? -b-o-o-k, book.

7. i don’t like math, because(因为) it’s b

8. his fname is jim.

9. sally likes(喜欢) basketball, b___tommy doesn’t like it.

10. this is my pen and that isshe) pen.

ii. 单项选择填空。(15分)

)1.—are you jane? —yes

a. it isb. it isn’t c. i amd. i’m not

)2. –what’s that in english? —it’s an

a. pencilb. orange c. bookd. cake

)3.—what’snamename is jane.

a. her, his b. you, my c. his, he d. her, her

)4.—are these eggs? —no

a. it isn’tb. those arn’t c. they aren’t d. they are

)5.—does he h**e a schoolbag

a. yes, i do b. no, i don’t c. yes, he doesn’t d. no, he doesn’t

)6.—where is changchun? —it’sjilin.

a. fromb. inc. are d. to

)7. we are in

a. class fiveb. five class c. class fived. five class

)8. 英语中的标点符号,句号是___省略号是___

abcd. .

)9.—is he liminghe is kangkang.

a. yes, he isb. no, he isn’t c. yes, he does d. no, he doesn’t

)10. 英语字母中有两个可以独立成词,他们分别是___和___

)11. look, hea long ruler.

a. h**eb. isc. ared. has

)12. his parentsteachers of english.

a. isb. arec. amd. is not

)13. come and look at this photomy class.

a. inb. atc. ofd. on

)14. -well, let’scomputer games. -that sounds good.

a. playb. playsc. to play d. playing

)15. look! tony is sleeping(睡觉。

a. in the drawerb. under the bookcase

c. on the sofad. in the backpack

. 根据中文提示,补全句子,每空一词。(15分)

1. 请打**685-6026找玛莉。


2. 谢谢你们精美的全家福。

the great photo of your family.

3. 我的钥匙在书包下面。

my keysthe backpack.

4. 请把这本书拿到教室去。

pleasethis bookthe classroom.

5. 我不玩电子游戏,那太难了。

iplay computer games, that is too

6. 这顶帽子是黑白相间的。

this hat iswhite.

7. 那是我的爷爷和奶奶。

are my grandfather and grandmother.

8. 我们有许多体育俱乐部。

we h**esports

三 .交际运用(15分)

i. 从ii栏中找出与i 栏相对应的答语。(5分)

i ii )1. good afternoon! a. that's all right.

)2. what’s thisb. goodbye!

)3. who's your friend? c. i'm fine, thank you.


2010年秋七年级英语期中检测试卷。本卷满分100分,考试时间90分钟 第一部分听力部分 20分 一 根据所给的内容,在横线上填入与你所听到的内容相应的序号 a e 5分 二 从下面的选项中选出你所听到的单词,每个单词念两遍。5分 1.a.good b.look c.book d.too 2.a.c...


清平中学2008 2009 上 初一英语期中检测试卷 a 卷基础知识 85分 按要求完成下列各题。20 1 写出占上两格的小写字母。3分 2 写出占下两格的小写字母。2分 3 写出占中间一格的小写字母。4分 4 写出占三格的小写字母。1分 5 写出五个元音字母的大小写。5分 5 写出下面各名称的缩写...


七年级语文期中检测试卷 2012.11 时量120分钟 满分100分。一 积累和运用。一 单项选择题 共8分,每小题2分 1 下列词语中加点字的注音有错误的一组是 a 黄晕 y n 应和 hu恍然大悟 hu ng b 嬉戏 x贮蓄 zh疲倦不堪 k n c 凹凸 t凝成 n ng灰心丧气 s ng ...