
发布 2022-09-08 20:17:28 阅读 5370





( )1. a hat b many c map d bag

) 2. a hotel b discovery c government d mother

) 3. a thick b weath c their d breathe

) 4. a population b question c tradition d congratulation

) 5. a chair b chemistry c character d stomach




12.上网13. 双人房14信用卡。


. 单项选择:从a、b、c、d四个选项中选出最佳答案。(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

) 16. tom likes to playfootball and was onschool team.

a. /the bc. the; the d. a; a

) 17. his car is less expensive than

a. her b. hers c. its d. it

) 18. those aregirls. everything seems so good to them.

c. fourteen-years old years old

) 19. study hardyou’re sure to h**e a good result in the exam.

a. d. but

) 20. either my brothers or my fathercoming to see me next week.

a. isb. are like

) 21but he still could not understand it.

a. h**ing been told many times b. he had been told many times

c. told many timesd. although he had been told many times

) 22. aboutof the books in our school library are written in chinese.

a. four-fifth b. fourth-fifths c. fourths-fifth d. four-fifths

) 23. listen to the noise outside. somethingin the street.

a. must be happened b. must be happening c. must happen happened

) 24. do you still remember the dayswe spent in the countryside?

a. on which b. during which d. /

) 25. these photographs will show you

a. what does our village look like b. what our village looks like

c. how does our village looks like d. how our village looks like

) 26. don’t you think that they are able to __such an expensive tv set?

a. supply d. provide

) 27. the population of china isthanof japan.

a. large; which b. large; one c. larger; that that

) 28. the students __busy when mr. brown went to get a book she __in the office.

a. had written; writing; has left

written; had left writing; had left

) 29. this dictionary mustn’tfrom the library.

a. take away b. taking away c. are taken away d. be taken away

) 30. you will not be able to succeedyou work harder than you do now.

a. except b. ifc. unless d. although


although english is not as old as chinese, it is spoken by many people around the world every day. english speakers are always creating new __31__,and we should be able to know where most words come from.

sometimes, however, no one may really know __32__ a word comes from. did you ever think __33__ why hamburgers are called hamburgers, especially when they are not __34__ with ham? about a hundred years ago, some men went to america from europe.

they come from a big city in germany __35__ hamburg. they did not speak good english, but they are eating good __36__.when some americans saw them eating round pieces of beef, they asked the germans what it was.

the germans did not __37__ the question and answered. “we came from hamburger.” one of these americans owned a restaurant, and had an idea.

he __38__ some round pieces of beef __39__ the men from hamburg. then he __40__ them between two pieces of bread and started selling then. today “hamburgers” are sold in many countries around the world.


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