
发布 2021-03-14 19:34:28 阅读 3577




1. how’s everything?

a. nothing new. b. thank you. c. not bad. d. i don’t know.

2. are you ready to order, sir?

a. not yet. b. here you are. c. where is the menu? d. please no.

3. excuse me, where is the no.1 bus station?

a. pardon? b.

don’t ask me. c. you’d better ask something else.

d. who are you?

4. would you like to h**e a dinner with me this saturday evening?

a. sorry, i don’t want. b.

i’d love to. c. i don’t think it’s a good idea.

d. sounds terrible.

5. i don’t think the film is wonderful.

a. do you think so? b. why not? c. so do i. d. yes , of course.

6. i’ve heard mary’s grandmother is seriously ill.

a. really? b. i’m sorry to hear that. c. why? d. it depends.

7. excuse me, can i take this seat?

a. yes, of course. b. i don’t know. c. you’re kidding. d. please don’t.

8. lijiang is the most beautiful place i’ve ever visited.

a. that’s a joke. b. i can’t agree more. c. really? d. sorry, i don’t know.

9. this is northwest airline, can i help you?

a. sorry. b. i’m afraid not. c. i want to buy an air ticket. d. where is it?

10. which color do you prefer, red or white?

a. either will do. b. none. c. you choose. d. thank you.

第二部分:阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


passage 1

in 1801, thomas jefferson was the first president to take the oath of office in the nation's permanent capital, washington although washington was a new city, it was already familiar to president jefferson. in fact, jefferson had helped plan the capital's streets and public buildings. besides being a city planner and architect, the new president was a writer, a scientist, and the inventor of several tools.

jefferson lived in the presidential palace. the palace was more than a home; it contained offices for the president and some of his staff and advisors. it also included dining and reception rooms, where the president could entertain congressmen.

however, president jefferson did not give many formal parties. this was partly because there was no first lady. jefferson's wife had died in 1782.

but it was also because jefferson liked to live in a ****** fashion. once, he showed up for an important meeting wearing old clothes and slippers! neither washington nor adams would ever h**e dressed so casually.

jefferson was different from the first two presidents in other ways, too. he disagreed with them about how the country should be run, and about what part a president should play in running it.

to the passage, the presidential palace was built to be

a) an office building and home

b) a meeting place for congressmen

c) a home

d) an office building

12. according to the passage, thomas jefferson was all of the following except

a) a writer

b) a city planner

c) the third president of the united states

d) a carpenter

13. thomas jefferson did not entertain very often in washington because

a) he did not h**e new clothes

b) the food there was bad

c) he did not enjoy carefully prepared parties and there was no first lady

d) his wife did not like it

14. which of the following statements about washington is true?

a) it was not the first capital of the united states.

b) all the american presidents took the oath of office in washington

c) there were many old streets in washington before 1801.

d) washington was planned by thomas jefferson.

15. it can be inferred from the passage that george washington and john

adams both

a) lived in the presidential palace

b) were rather formal gentlemen

c) were different from thomas jefferson only in how to run the country

d) dressed casually

passage 2

american cities are similar to other cities around the world. in every country, cities reflect the values of the culture. cities contain the very best aspects of a society:

opportunities for education, employment, and entertainment. they also contain the very worst parts of a society: violent crime, racial conflict (种族冲突) and poverty.

american cities are changing, just as american society is changing.

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