
发布 2021-03-14 19:15:28 阅读 1005

大学英语b(test 1)解析。

part ii. use of english

21.--hello, may i talk to the headmaster now? 您好,我现在可以和校长讲话吗?

a. sorry, he is busy at the moment b. no, you can't c. sorry, you can't d. i don't know

22.--do you think i could borrow your dictionary? 我可以借用一下你的字典吗?

a. yes, you may borrow b. yes, go on c. yes, help yourself d. it doesn't matter

23.--are you mr robert lee? 请问李先生在吗?

a. yes, lee speaking b. hello, what do you want c. sorry, speaking d. i don't know

24-- excuse me, sir. where is dr. brown's office? 对不起。请问布朗先生的办公室在**。

a. you can't ask me b. pardon? i h**e no idea c. please don't say so

d. sorry i don't know, but you can ask the man over there。

25.--mary, your dress is really beautiful. how is john? 玛丽,你的裙子真漂亮,john好吗?

a. thank you very much b. no, no, john is not bad

c. thank you. he is fine d. don't say that. it's ugly. john is good

26.--what can i do for you, madam? 请问,女士您需要什么?

a. i want a kilo of apples b. you can go your own way

c. thanksd. excuse me. i'm busy

27.--i'd like to take you to the coffee house on the corner. 我想请你去街角的咖啡厅。

a. thank you. you shouldn't' do that b. thanks, i'd like to go with you

c. no, you can't say sod. no, no. you can't do that

28.--do you mind telling me where you're from? 你介意告诉我你来自**吗?

a. certainly. i'm from london b. sure. i was born in london

c. not really, you can do it d. certainly not. i'm from london

29.- may 1 see the menu, please? i've been waiting an hour already.


a. that is the menu, sir b. yes, please go on c. here you are, sir d. of course, sir

30.--i was worried about chemistry, but mr. brown g**e me an a!


a. don't worry about itb. congratulations! that's a difficult course

c. mr. brown is very good d. good luck to you!

part iii. reading comprehension

passage 1

there are stories about two u. s. presidents, andrew jackson and martin van buren, which attempt to explain the american english term ok.

we don't know if either story is true, but they are both interesting.

这是关于两个美国**:安德鲁。 杰费逊和马丁。 范布郎的故事,这个故事解释了美国英语短语ok.我们不知道这两个故事是否是真的,但是它们都很有趣。

the first explanation is based on the fact that president jackson had very little education. in fact, he had difficulty reading and writing. when important *****s came to jackson, he tried to read them and then had his assistants explain what they said.

if he approved of a *****, he would write "all correct" on it. the problem was that he didn't know how to spell, so what he really wrote was "ol korekt". after a while, he shortened that term to "ok".

第一个故事是根据杰费逊受过很少的教育的事实而来的。事实上, 杰费逊**在阅读和写作方面都有困难。当有重要文件拿给杰费逊时,他设法读而且会让他的助手们解释。

如果他同意这份文件,他会写上”都正确”.问题是他不知道如何拼写,因此他写的实际是”ol korekt”.不久,他就把它缩短为ok.

the second explanation is based on the place where president van buren was born, kinderhook, new york. van buren's friends organized a club to help him become president. they called the club the old kinderhook club, and anyone who supported van buren was called "ok".

第二个故事是关于范布郎**的出生地纽约的kinderhook而来的。 范布郎**的朋友们组织了一个俱乐部来支持他竞选**。这个俱乐部叫”the old kinderhook club”,而且每个支持范布郎**的人都叫ok.

31. the author这个作者不太确定故事的真实性。

a. believes both of the stories b. doesn't believe a word of the stories

c. is not sure whether the stories are true d. is telling the stories just for fun

32. according to the passage, president jackson __

根据短文, 杰费逊**不擅长阅读,写作或拼写。

a. couldn't draw up any documents at all b. didn't like to read important *****s by himself

c. often had his assistants sign documents for him

d. wasn't good at reading, writing or spelling

33. according to the first story, the term "ok


a. was approved of by president jackson b. was the title of some official documents

c. was first used by president jackson d. was an old way to spell "all correct"

34. according to the second story, the term "ok


a. was the short way to say "old kinderhook club"

b. meant the place where president van buren was born c. was the name of van buren's club

d. was used to call van buren's supporters in the election

35. according to the second story, the term "ok" was first used __


a. by van burenb. in a presidential election

c. to organize the old kinderhook club d. by the members of the "old kinderhook club"


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大学英语 B

一 开放教育本科金融学 会计学 工商管理专业学士学位英语考试形式为网上考试,主观题也在计算机上答题,不再使用答题纸。每个市电大只设一个考点,每个专业报考人数均必须超过10人。金融学专业学位英语考试参考中国金融出版社出版的 本科开放教育金融学专业学位申请指南 一书 会计学专业学位英语考试参考中国商业出...


写作b1 写作。instructions 根据下面所给的题纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。你应邀到一位好友家吃晚饭。事后给朋友写信表示谢意。你的信应包括下列内容 1.表达谢意 2.表达想回请的意愿 3.期待朋友的光临。正确的答案是 无。2 写作。instructions 根据下面所给的题目和提纲...