
发布 2022-09-07 14:31:28 阅读 5955





拓展阅读:mrs. jones is a teacher.

her house isn't far from her school, and she always walks there in the morning. all the students in the school are very young. today mrs.

jones walks to school as usual(像平常). it's very cold, the cold wind(风) goes into her eyes and big tears(泪珠) run out of them. she gets to the school, opens the door and goes into the classroom.

the room is nice and warm. mrs. jones is very happy.

a small boy looks at her for a few seconds and says, “don't cry, school isn't very bad.” with these words he puts his arms(胳膊) around her.

1. mrs. jones is a __c

a. mother b. girl c. teacher d. a student

2. mrs. jones works in a __c

a. school b. factory c. hospital d. tv station

3. mrs. jones goes to work __every

a. by bus b. on foot(步行)

c. by bike d. by train(火车)

4. does the small boy like mrs. jones? why?

because he comes to mrs. jones and puts his arms around her.

5. why do big tears run out of mrs. jones' eyes?

because the cold wind goes into her eyes.

答案:1. c

解析:mrs. jones is a teacher.选c

2. a解析:她是个老师,所以在学校工作选a

3. b解析:she always walks there in the morning.选b

4. yes, he does. because he comes to mrs. jones and puts his arms around her.

解析:a small boy looks at her for a few seconds and says, “don't cry, school isn't very bad.” with these words he puts his arms around her.

5. because the cold wind goes into her eyes.

解析:it's very cold, the cold wind goes into her eyes and big tears run out of them.


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