
发布 2022-09-07 03:16:28 阅读 3392

unit 4 my new rome评研作业。



1. 窗帘 curt __t 2.衣橱cl __s __

3.卧室b __d room 4.垃圾箱tr __sh b_ n

5.镜子 m__ r__ r 6.卫生间ba__ room

7.厨房 k__ tch __n 8.在……下面 __nd __r

9.在……后面b __h __nd 10.在……旁边 n __r


) c.1ivingroom


books are __在……上面) the table.

bed is在……后面) the door.

mirror is在……下面) the air -condition.

clothes is在……里面) the closet.

desk is在……旁边) the closet.

is a big衣橱),,two床头柜).


1.我自己的房间a. on the third floor

2.在第三层b. in front of the desk

3.在书桌前面c. my own room

4.在墙上d. over the bed

5. 在床的上方e. on the wall


1、i h**e an new air-conditioner.

2、there is a book over the desk.

3、there are two end tables on the bed.

4、the pens is in the pencil-case.

5、there is blue curtains ,a big closet in my room.


1.is this your kitchen? (写出两种答案)

2.what’s your room like? (有一张床,一个衣柜和一个垃圾桶。)

3.what day is it today? (星期六)

4.where is the air-conditioner? (它在镜子的上面。)

5.what can you see in the closet? (许多衣服)


1、trash bin , the ,the ,door, is , behind

2、many , are , in , closet , clothes , the

3、my , i , room , h**e , own

4、are , there , studies , two , my , house , in

5、in , a , and , there , the , mirror , is , end table ,an ,bedroom


) a small closet in my bedroom.

a. am b. is c. are d. be

) some pictures on the wall.

a. am b. is c. are d. be

) father has __air-conditioner.

a. a b. an c. some d. \

) is behind jim, jim is __tom.

a. front b. in front of c. over d. behind

) is a tv set __the closet.

a. near b. in c. under d. behind

) is a picture __my room.

a. on b. in c. of d. to

) books are __the bookshelf.

a. in b. on c. over d. under

) end tables __near the bed.

a. am b. is c. are d. be

) a table ,a tv and two sofas in my room.

a. is b. am c. are d. be

) are rabbits. we___a new flat.

a. h**e b. has c. is d. are


my f**ourite room is my bedroom. it’s small, but it’s very clean and beautiful. there is a small bed near the window.

near the bed, there is a brown desk. you can see a pink clock, a radio and many books on it. near the door, there is a closet.

what’s that over the bed? it’s an air-conditioner. i like my bedroom very much.


1. my room is __but it’s clean and beautiful.

2. the __is near the bed.

3. on my desk, there is a __a __and many __

4. there is a closet __the door.

5. you can see an __over the bed.

there a small bed near the window


1. table (复数形式2. ball (复数形式)

3. apples (单数形式4. tomatoes (单数形式)

5. in front of (反义词反义词。

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