
发布 2022-08-19 19:26:28 阅读 3576




unit 1 will people h**e robots?

一. 词汇检测(英汉互译)共计10小题,计15分。

1. hundreds of6.爱上某人或某物。

2. try to do sth7.实现。

3. be able to do8.做同样的事。

4. in ten years9.更少的污染。

5. help with housework10.在将来。


11.( there __more tall buildings in our city in ten years.

be going to h**e h**e

12.( threr are __people lost their lives in the earthquake

a. two hundreds b. hundreds of c. hundreds

13.( mark is a my good friend ,he often helps me __english.

a. with b. to c. on

14.( will there be less pollution

a. yes, there will b. no, there won’t be c. no, there will be

15.( work hard ,and you will get an education __

future the future c on the future

16.( do you think that students will study __home __computers ?

—yes, i do.

a. in, on b. at, on c. at, with

17.( people will live __200 years old in hundreds of years.

a. to be b. in c. for

18.( i went to shanghai last year and __with the city .

a. feel in love b. fall in love c. fell in love

19.( jim lives __and he is a __boy.

a. lonely, alone b. alone, lonely c. alone, alone

20.( he __ride bike when he was 10 years old.

able to able to


what life will be like in the year of 2050? maybe no one of course it will be __21__from today. here are some predictions ,read it and you will __22__more information.

firstly, people will do __23__ work .robots will do the hard and dangerous work instead (代替) of people. people will h**e more time to tr**el and relax.

it seems that the life in the future will be__24__.

secondly, cars will run faster ,and they will controlled (控制)by computers, so there won’t be any __25___on street.

thirdly, people will be able to live in the sea ,many people __26__to live there because they can stay from(远离) the __27___and noisy cities.

finally, water will become one of the most___28__ problems. because of the big population (人口)。

what do you __29__of the future life ? can you a __30___about it ?

21.( a. different b. far c. come

22.( a. look after b. look out c. find out

23.( a. more b. less c. fewer

24.( a. exciting b. boring c. excited

25.( a. problems b. accidents c. cars

26.( a. enjoy b. hate c. wants

27.( a. interesting b. rich c. crowded

28.( a. difficulty b. serious c. important

29.( a. think b. see c. want

30.( a. decision b. prediction c. plan


are too fat ,you should eat __little)food to keep fit.

will bepossible),if you try.

will be more tall___build) in our city .

box is too he**y ,can you help me __move)it to the next room.

___be) more trees in our hometown in ten years.


的梦想在去年实现了,jim’s dreamlast year.


people willthe space station in the future.


everything willin 200 years .


robots will never


one day people willthe moom.



j: hello , is that lucy speaking

l: yes .who’s that ?

j: this is jim you free this saturday evening ?

l: _41

j: i got two tickets to jay chou’s concert.__42___

l: certainly ,i’d love to. he’s my f**orite singer.__43___

j: let’s meet in the front of the park at four o’clock.

l:__44___i want to buy some flowers for him.

j:ok. shall we go to the shopping center to buy flowers ?

l:__45___see you then .

a. when will the concert begin ? e. could you get there earlier ?

b. that sounds good

f. would you like to go with me ?

c. when and where shall we meet ?

d. yes, what’s up


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八年级英语第一单元练习题 一

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