
发布 2022-08-18 08:40:28 阅读 4537

unit 10 you’re supposed to shake hands.

period 1 section a(1a-2d)

必背单词。1. kiss v. &n. 亲吻; 接吻。

2. greet v. 打招呼; 迎接→ greeting n. 问候。

3. custom n. 风俗; 习俗。

4. bow v.& n. 鞠躬。

必背短语。5. shake hands 握手。

6. be supposed to 应该。

7. for the first time 第一次; 首次。

8. be expected to do sth. 被期望做某事。

9. as soon as 一……就……

10. hold out 伸出。

11. to one’s surprise 让某人惊讶的是。

12. make mistakes 犯错误。

13. find out 找出; 查明。

必背句子。14. what are people in korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time?


15. in the united states, they’re expected to shake hands.


16. i met a japanese boy called sato, and as soon as i held out my hand, he bowed.


17. that’s how people in japan are expected to greeteach other.


period 2 section a(3a-3c)

必背单词。1. relaxed adj. 放松的;自在的→ relaxing adj. 令人轻松的→ relax v. 放松;休息。

2. value v. 重视;珍视 n. 价值→ valuable adj. 贵重的;宝贵的。

3. capital n. 首都→ the capital of ……的首都。

4. noon n. 中午→ at noon 在中午。

5. mad adj. 生气的→get/be mad at对……变得生气。

6. effort n. 努力;尽力→ make an effort 作出努力。

必背短语。7. a bit 有点。

8. drop by 顺便访问;随便进入。

9. make plans 制订计划 10. on time 准时。

11. after all 毕竟 12. get mad 大动肝火;生气。

13. big deal 重要的事;大人物;了不起的人或事。

必背句子。14. we often just walk around the town center, seeing as many of our friends as we can!


15. we often just drop by our friends’ homes if we h**e time.


16. in switzerland, it’s very important to be on time.


17. it’s no big deal! 没什么大不了的!

period 3 section a(grammar focus-4c)

必背单词。1. passport n. 护照。

2. chalk n. 粉笔→a piece of chalk 一支粉笔。

3. blackboard n. 黑板。

4. northern adj. 北方的;北部的→north n. 北;北方 adv. 朝北;向北。

5. coast n. 海岸;海滨 6. season n. 季节。

7. knock v. 敲;击n. 敲击声;敲击→knock at the door 敲门→knock on 敲击。

8. eastern adj. 东方的; 东部的→east n. 东方; 东部adv. 朝东;向东。

9. worth adj. 值得;有……价值(的)→be worthdoing 值得做→worthy adj. 有价值的。

10. manner n. 方式;方法 (pl.)礼貌;礼仪。

必背短语。11. clean…off 把……擦掉。

12. take off 脱掉;(飞机等)起飞。

13. table manners 餐桌礼仪。

period 4 section b(1a-1d)

必背单词。1. empty adj. 空的;空洞的。

必背短语。2. point at 指向

3. stick into 插入。

period 5 section b(2a-2e)

必背单词。1. basic adj. 基本的;基础的。

2. exchange v. &n. 交换。

3. granddaughter n. (外)孙女。

4. beh**e v. 举止;表现→beh**ior n. 行为;举止;态度。

5. except prep. 除……之外 conj. 除了;只是。

6. teenage adj. 十几岁的; 青少年的。

7. elbow n. 肘; 胳膊。

8. gradually adv. 逐渐地; 渐进地。

必背短语。9. make ..feel at home 使(某人)感到宾至如归。

10. go out of one’s way 特地;格外努力。

11. get used to 习惯于→used to do sth. 过去常常做某事。

必背句子。12. i was a bit nervous before i arrived here, but there was no reason to be.


13. another example is that you’re not supposed to eat anything with your hands except bread, not even fruit.


period 6 section b(3a-self check)

必背单词。1. suggestion n. 建议→ suggest v. 建议。

必背短语。2. be excited about 对……兴奋/ 激动。

3. look forward to doing sth. 期望做某事。

4. show up 出席,露面unit 11 sad movies make me cry.

period 1 section a(1a-2d)

必背单词。1. drive v. 迫使→drove (过去式) →driven (过去分词) →drive sb. crazy/mad使某人发疯/发狂。

2. friendship n. 友谊;友情→ friend n. 朋友→ friendly adj. 友好的。

3. rather adv. 相当; 相反→ would rather 宁愿→ rather than 而不是。


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1 风俗2 鞠躬section a 1a 2d 3 亲吻1 重点单词 custom,bow,kiss,greet4 和 打招呼2 重点短语 shake hands,be supposed to,the wrong way,hold out3 重点句式 what are you supposed to...