
发布 2022-08-18 08:37:28 阅读 2809


1 . f ld . 田地)2 re red (退休的) 3 dr nk (喝的过去式) 4 h vy (重的)5 br k n(坏的)


( )1. a fire b library c hard

( )2. a hope b study c he**y

( )3. a card b cd-rom c hope

( )4. a bring b use c telephone

( )5. a him b her c he

( )6. a lady b grandma c find

( )7. a dictionary b he**y c news*****

( )8. a ate b g**e c talk

( )9. a about b for c use

( )10. a yesterday b last year c now


( )years ago, she __to school.

a walk b walked c walking

( )2. lingling is still in englang __sam and daming.

a in b for c with

( )can find __about chinese books in the dictionary .

a out b about c with

( )4. it’s easy __a puter.

a out b about c with

( )got a panda __it .

a on b or c for

( )6 last night, i __english.

a learn b learnt c learning

( )7 it will be easy for __

a she b her c hers

( )8. my grandpa __now.

a is retired b was retired c are retired

( )did you __last night ?

a drank b drink c drinking

( )10 now she __to school school bus

a goes by b go by c went to


can find out about chinese food on this cd-rom.

2. you can find out about the weather in this news*****.

is she wearing these clothes .

got an email from lingling .

5. it’s got a panda on it .


( )i h**e your library card , please? a at the zoo.

( )did she do yesterday ? b i drank milk .

( )lingling learn english? c yes , here you are.

( )did you drink last night? d she played football.

( )can you find out about animals? e no , she didn’t.



bring talking why take watched

1. thank you for___to my friend.

2. _is wearing these clothes ?

3. please __back the book in two weeks’ time .

4 yesterday i __tv with my mother .

5 you can’t __to china .


( )1.这个绿色的书包带有四个轮子。

a. this green bag has got your wheels.

b this green bag h**e got your wheels.

( )2.这件蓝色的体恤衫对你说有点太小。

a this blue t- shirt is too small for you.

b this blue t- shirt is to small for you.

( )3.我们没有足够的食物。

a we didn’t h**e enough food.

b we didn’t had enough food.

( )4.今天amy在学校吃了五个汉堡。

a today amy ate five hanburgers at school.

b. today amy eat five hanburgers at school.

( )5. 昨天他吃了一个鸡蛋和香肠。

a she h**e eggs and sansages yesterday.

b she had eggs and sansages yesterday.

( )6.十年前,陈海在他的班级了。

a ten years ago, chen hai is in his class.

b ten years ago, chen hai was in his class.


dear amy:

today i had a hamburger for lunch .i like hamburgers .but my mum doesn’t like hamburgers at all.

she drank juice .tomorrow is my birthday. my mum is going to make a cake for me .

i’m going to eat lots of delicious food ! i hope you are with me. with love daming .

1)daming ate___today .

a a hamburger b hamburger c a sandwich

2)daming’s mum___hamburgers very much .

a likes b doesn’t like c don’t like

3) daming ‘s mum is going to make some___for daming .

a juice b cake c soup

4)daming is going to eat __tomorrow

a lots of delicious food b lots of noodles c a cake

5) tomorrow is __birthday.

a daming’s b amy’s c lingling’s

附加题:1. go , library, let’s , to ,the (.

2. h**e ,please, i , library, can ,your, card (?

3. from, h**e got, letter , i ,lingling , a (.

4. easy, it , with ,is , a , puter (.

5. are, on , they , shelf b (.


2014 2015学年度第二学期。五年级英语期中学业水平测试题。完卷时间60分钟,满分100分 第一部分听力部分 30分 听录音,选择你所听到的单词,将选项写在括号中。10分 根据听到的内容给 排序,将选项填写在横线上。10分 abcde iii.根据听到的问句选择答句,将选项填入括号中。10分 s...


点评和分享。一 在空格中填上相应的字母 大小写字母的转换 1 f ld 田地 2 re red 退休的 3 dr nk 喝的过去式 4 h vy 重的 5 br k n 坏的 二 读一读,选出不同类的单词,将序号写在题前的括号中 1.a fire b library c hard 2.a hope ...


题 号考答得 名不姓内 级线班封密 校学装。已做 a.june 9b.june the 9c.june 9th 2009 2010学年度第二学期。二 找出不同类的单词 10分 小学五年级期末质量检测 1 a fly b jump c walk d climber 满分100分 时间 60分钟 2 a...