
发布 2022-08-18 08:34:28 阅读 6575



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)1. what’s jim doing ? he __his friends.

a. is talking b. talking with c. talks with d. is talking with

( )in class.

a. sleep b. sleeping c. sleeps d .to sleep

)3. —i hope you h**e a good trip.

a、thanks. b、me, too. c、sure, i will. d、you too!

)4. my work is interesting but __dangerous(危险的).

a a kind b kinds of c kind of d kind

( )birthday is __march 18th.

) a big tree and some birds in the zoo.

a. isb. arec. h**ed. has

)7. it’s time __lunch now.

a. for h**e b. h**ec. tod. for

)8. amy __after school every day.

a. walks to home b. walks home c. walk home d. walk to home

) can’tin the library.

a .eats b. to eatc. eating d. eat

)10. it takes me two hoursmy homework every day.

a. do b. to do c. doing d. does

)11. -what animals __he like?

he __dogs.

a. does; like b. does likes c. do; likes d. do; like

)12 it’s time for class,please __quiet.

)13do you like pandas

they’re cute and shy.

a. why…becauseb. how…but

c. why…sod. how…and

)14. jim is very busy. he usually has dinner __8:30.

a. in b. on c. at d. for

)15. how far is it __your home __school?

about 2 kilometers.

a. from, to b. between, and c. from, at d. at, to

)16does it take your mother to make breakfast every day?

about 15 minutes.

a. how far b. how long c. how d. how much

) 17. listen! maryin the next room.

a. singsb. is singing c. sang d. sing

)18. i __to the bus stop.

a. by bike b. by my bike c. ride bike d. ride my bike

)19. in my school, we can’t be late for school and we can’t eat in class __

a. also b. too c. as well d. either

) he __from?

come b. does; comes c. does; come d. is comes

) 21. can youenglish?

a. speak b. talk c. say d. tell

) 22. mary can play the chess___she can't swim.

a. and b. or c. but d. so

) 23do you want to join?

---i want to join the chess club.

a. what c. can d. does

) 24do you eat breakfast?—at seven-thirty.

a. what b. what time c. where

) 25. do you usually go to school __bus or __foot?

a. by;by b. by;on c. on;by d. on;on



(反义词 not(缩略形式。

3. brush(复数 (现在分词。

5. play(第三人称单数 (聪明)(同义词。




1. pandasbe) from china,they are very害羞的)

2. —what’re you doing? —iwrite) stories.

3. the old man has lots of故事)

4. we eat b___in the morning.

5. every day tim starts to do his hat 7:00

and twenty is f___

not far,only tenminutes) walk.

often helps her mother w___the dishes.

9. every night,i h**e to go to bed b___9:00.

are very __懒惰)。

are __可爱),they can do many things.

12. can lily sing or __dance)

can __说) english.


1. we can eat in the dinning hall. (改为一般疑问句)

you eat in the dinning hall?

2. nicole likes geography and history.(一般疑问句)

___nicole __geography and history?

4. they are listening to music at home.(对划线部分进行提问)

are theyat home?

2. my uncle lives in new york. (就部分画线提问)

your uncle live?

3. they ride their bikes to work.( 改为同义句)

they go to work

family has a pet.(改为否定句)

my familya pet.

gets to school by bike. (就画线部分提问)

heto school?

do my homework at six thirty.(改为否定句)

imy homework at six thirty.


班级学生姓名座号。密封线内不要题。2011 2012学年度七年级 下 期中考试卷。亲爱的同学 祝贺你完成了一个阶段的学习,现在是展示你的学习成果之时,你可以尽情地发挥,祝你成功 时间 100分钟满分 100分 听力部分 20分 i.听句子,选择正确 句子仅读两遍。5分 ii听句子,选择正确答语。句子...


2011 2012学年第一学期迎春林业局第一中学七年级期中考试。英语试题。命题人 闫莉莉。考生注意 1 考试时间90分钟。2 全卷共九道大题,总分120分。第一卷听力 20分 一 听句子,选出句子中所含的信息。每个句子读一遍。5分 1.a.morning b.afternoon c.evening ...

七年级下期中英语 试卷

2011 2012学年度下学期期中学业评价。考试时间 90分钟满分 100分 第 卷。第一部分基础知识运用 共五节满分75分 第一节英汉短语互译 每小题1分,满分10分 toclerk vacation6.拍照。7.邮局8.在 对面。9.玩得高兴10.有几分 有点。第二节句型转换 每小题2分,满分1...