
发布 2022-08-14 08:34:28 阅读 9687

导学案 unit11 what time do you go to school?

sectiona (1a~2c)


1. —what time do you usually get up, rick?

i usually get up at five o’clock.

what time do you do sth.? 用来询问对方的作息时间,意为“你几点做某事?”;如果要了解他人的作息时间,可用what time does he / she do sth.?

来询问。一般用“..at + 具体时间”来回答。

例如:what time does he h**e lunch? 他几点吃午饭?

he has lunch at 12:30. 他十二点半吃午饭。


my father is usually at work in the morning.


2.shower n. 淋浴: take a shower洗澡=h**e a shower



一翻译。1. 我母亲通常6点起床。

2. 他通常7点吃早餐。

3. 我父亲通常九点洗澡。


4. jimget) up at 6:00.

5youtake) a shower in the morning?

6. sallynot do) her homework at school.

7. hego) to school five days a week.

8. my sister and i likerun).


9. jack usually gets up at six __the morning __sunday.

a. on, atb. in, at

c. at, ond. in, on

10. what time does she __school and __home every day?

a. get, get b. get, get to

c. get to, get to d. get to, get

11it’s eight-thirty.

a. what it is timeb. what time is it?

c. what time they are? d. what time it is?

12. jack often palys basketball___4:30.

a. at b. in c. for d. on

13. what time does ann___every day?

a.go school b. go to a school c. go to school d. go to the school

14do you h**e breakfast? -at 7 o’clock.

a. why b. what time c. what d. where

15. my brother __up at 5:40.

a. get usually b. usually get c. gets usually d. usually gets


16.你通常几点起床?what time __you

17. 我想洗个澡。i want

18. 咱们去上学吧! let’s

19. 几点了。

20. 到吃早饭的时间了。it’s timebreakfast.



1. what a funny time to eat breakfast!


what a good girl she is! 她是个多好的姑娘啊!

how happy the children are! 孩子们多高兴啊!

2. to get to work, he takes the number 17 bus to a hotel.

to get to work是动词不定式结构,在这里作目的状语,“to”有“为了”的意思。可以译为“为了上班”。 get to work=go to work, 即“去上班”。


3.can you think what his job is? “你能猜出他是做什么的吗?”






a: what time do you usually go to bed, li ming?

b: 1 a: so late! why?

b: 2 then i do my homework.

a: 3 b: they are very busy (忙碌的) and get home late.

a: 4 b: thank you. it’s five o’clock now. 5 goodbye!

a: bye-bye.


6. i get up at 5:40, and then刷牙)my teeth.

7. mr green works very long小时).

8. my mother usually乘)the number 5 bus to work.

9. tom听)to music every evening.

10. what does your father usually do在---之后)lunch?


11.liu fang usually watches tv for hour every day.

a. a b. the c. an d. /

12. jenny oftenenglish on the radio.(通过广播)

a. listens to b. listen to c. listens d. listen

13. my sisterhome at 5 o’clock every day.

a. get b. gets c. gets to d. get to

14. what a happy time tennis at school!

a. play b. plays c. playing d. to play

15. mr white often the number 6 bus to work.

a. takes b. brings c. needs d. helps

section b

1.what time 与 when

what time 与when 都可以用来询问时间,它们有哪些相同点和不同点呢?让我们通过例句一起来总结一下吧。【例句】


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