
发布 2022-08-14 08:35:28 阅读 3467



1.go out with friends 和朋友一起外出 2. h**e part-time jobs 做兼职工作。

3. choose one’s own clothes 选择某人自己的衣服

4. spend time with friends 和朋友们共渡时光 5. at that age 在那个年龄。

6.stay up 熬夜7. get up early 早起。

8. learn a lot from each other 互相学到很多 9. on weekends在周末。

10.in the past 过去 11. at present 现在 12. in the future 将来

13. old people’s home 养老院 14. get one’s driver’s license 拿到某人的驾照。

15. go to the mall with friends 和朋友们一起去商场

16. a good way to do sth. 做某事的好方法。

17. allow 允许,准许。

(1) allow doing sth 允许做某事。

doctors don’t allow smoking in the hospital .

they don’t allow parking here .

2) allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事。

mom allows me to watch tv on weekends .

parents should allow their children to go out with their friends .

my father doesn’t allow me to drive a car .

3)be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事,获准做某事。

may i be allowed to use this computer ?

they shouldn’t be allowed to act like this .

they asked to be allowed to see her .

(4) be not allowed to do sth 不被允许做某事。

people are not allowed to smoke here .

18. instead (1) 位于句首, 表示 “ 反而, 相反”

i didn’t go to the cinema last night . instead, i watched a football match on tv.

the boy didn’t sing to the music , instead , he sang his own way .

( 2 ) 位于句尾, 表示 “ 作为代替”

mr smith was ill , so mr green was taking his class instead .

i don’t like this one , please give me that instead .

3 ) instead of 后跟名词, 代词, 动名词, 介词短语。表示 “ 代替, 而不是”

i h**e come instead of my brother . he is ill .

we walked down the stairs instead of taking the elevator ( 电梯 )

he studies in the evening instead of during the day .

19. present ( 1 ) 礼物, 礼品 ==gift why not give him a card as a present ?

what can i get him for a birthday present ?

2 ) 目前, 现在 i’m sorry he is out at present .

you h**e to forget the past and start living in the present .

20. h**e \ get sth done 使某事完成, 让别人做某事。

i’ll h**e \ get my hair cut tomorrow .

since you’re ill in bed , why not h**e \ get a letter written to your parents .

spring festival is coming . she has got a new coat made .

21. decide 动词 , 决定 ”

decide to do sth决定做某事 we decided to play soccer .

decide on doing sth. 决定做某事 i decided on buying the house .

decide + that + 从句 he decided that he would buy a new computer .

decision 名词, “决定, 决心 ” make a decision 做决定。

make a decision to do sth== decide to do sth

= make up one’s mind to do sth决定做某事。

i make a decision to study hard from now on .

== i decide to study hard from now on .

==i make up my mind to study hard from now on .

22. 动词think 后面的that 从句如果是否定意义, 习惯上一般否定think , 而不是否定。

that 从句, 即形式上否定了think , 而意义上却否定了that从句。这一现象称为。

否定前移。类似的还有believe , expect , suppose 等。

i don’t think we need worry about it .

i don’t think she’s very good at it .

i don’t think i can get away at the moment .

i don’t believe he’s a person of that kind .

i don’t expect it will rain tomorrow .

23. agree , 动词, “赞同,同意”, 反义词是 disagree .

1) agree to do sth 同意做某事。

my father agreed to go to see a movie with me on weekend .

2)agree + that 从句

our teacher agreed that my answer was right .

(3 ) agree with sb. 同意某人的观点。

in the end he still can’t agree with me .

(4) agree to 后跟表示提议、办法的词。

he has agreed to our suggestion about the holiday .

h**e you agreed to the way of improving your english ?

24. stop doing sth 停止做某事 (正在做的事)

when the teacher came in, we all stopped talking .

stop to do sth 停下来去做某事( 停止第一件事去做第二件事)

i’m very tired . let’s stop to h**e a rest .

on my way to school i stopped to buy a new pen .

25. 表达年龄的方法。

(1) 用句子表达 my sister will be 18 years old next year .

when edison was 12 years old he began to invent things .


unit 3 section a 1.请你 不 做某事好吗?2.吃晚饭。3.一双鞋。4 得到关于这个城镇的一些信息。5.沿着中心大街 直走 6.在第二个十字路口向右 左转。7.在某人的右边 左边 on the right left 在右边 左边。8.去二楼 9.在两者之间。10.穿过书店 11.做某...


could you tell me where the restrooms are?1.表示委婉请求的句型。excuse you please.请你。好吗?will you please do sth?would you like to do sth?肯定回答常用sure of course no ...


could you tell me where the restrooms are?1.表示委婉请求的句型。excuse you please.请你。好吗?will you please do sth?would you like to do sth?肯定回答常用sure of course no ...