
发布 2022-08-13 12:04:28 阅读 1498




middle school students shouldfor a short time every night.

2.你想知道你的朋友nancy 喜欢哪种**,你可以这样问:



i canmum.

4. 你想知道你的同学bob 过去是否经常上学迟到,你可以这样问。

did you , bob?


teacher: we’ll h**e the big final exam tomorrow. how are you feeling now?

student l : i'm for it these days, buy i still feel nervous. what should i do?

teacher: if i were you, i would listen to some beautiful music. then you'll feelwhat about you?

student2: i'm not of exams at all. i always work hard, so i'm sure i can h**e a result.

teacher: you're very confident. how about you?

student3: i can't sleep the night before i take a big exam. so i'm too to do well.

what should i do?

teacher: if i were you, i would h**e a walk before going took, good luck to you all.


kate: what does your father do, jack?

jack: my father is a 71. .he works in a middle school. how about your father, kate?

kate: my father is a doctor, he works in a 72 .

jack: then what are you going to be when you grow up?

kate: i think i want to be a 73 .i like to talk whit people and write stories, and

i do like to interview famous singers and actors.

jack: so you may work for a 74 or a tv station?

kate: either is ok, i think. well, what about you, jack?

jack: i want to be a policeman, it’s an exciting 75 though sometimes it may be a little dangerous.

kate: then you should 76 often because you must h**e a strong boby.

jack: yes, madam.




78. ,sarah?


think 。


80. ,mr. wang.

四.根据对话情景,填入恰当的单词, 每空一词。

teacher: only three more months to go! so, what are you going to do after you graduate, donna?

donna: i’m going to go to university in new york.

teacher: h**e youwhat you’re going to major in?

donna: uh-huh, i’m planning to study engineering.

teacher: that’s afield. and what about you, simon?

simon: my father is going to give me a 88in his company. i’ll probably work there about a year so i can learn the basics (基础).

teacher: and what are you doing after that?

simon: after that i’m goingto school to study in business.

teacher: that sounds very practical. how about you, fong?

what do you plan to do next year?

fong: i’m planning to take it easy for a while. i’m going to spend some time

in europe, but i’m coming back after that to study.

teacher: how long will you be there?

fong: well, i’min june, and i’m coming home for christmas, so i’ll be there about six months.

五.根据情景提示, 用恰当的句子填空。

1. bill告诉你他昨天没有去看比赛,你觉得很遗憾,你可以这样对他说:

it was really an exciting game. ”

2. julie 想要外出,但外面雨很大,你想建议她呆在家里,你可以这样说:

oh, it’s raining hard! you’d better


would you mindit’s a little loud.”


情景题。1 小李乘坐飞机时观察到飞机机翼都是上凸下平的形状,同时还发现飞机必须经历一段加速之后才能起飞,为此他决定 风 对上凸下平物体的作用力。他将制作的上凸下平的木模放在台秤上,如图1 a 所示,并在模型的正前方用电扇以不同的风速 vc vb 迎面吹风,如图1 b c 所示。请仔细观察图9中的操作...


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