
发布 2022-08-09 05:14:28 阅读 9801

unit 2要点知识讲解。


his sudden death shocked us.他的突然死亡让我们很震惊。

car accidents caused many deaths.车祸导致了许多人死亡。

thousands of people starve to death every year.每年都有成千上万的人饿死。

that failure meant the death of his hope.那次失败意味着他希望的破灭。【知识拓展】

that dog died yesterday.那只狗昨天死掉了。

when he saw the dead animal, he was sad.当他看到那个死掉的动物时,他很伤心。



互动平台】用die, dead或death完成下列句子。1. his grandfather __last year.

2. the dog has been __for a week.

3. theof michael jackson made so many people sad.


the new policy caused the workers’anger.这项新政策引起了工人们的愤怒。②your words caused trouble for her.


the drought caused the price of rice to rise.干旱引起了大米的****。【知识拓展】

what was the cause of the fire?造成火灾的原因是什么?

名师点拨】通过例句①、②和③我们可以看出,cause作动词,意为“造成,使发生”,是___及物/不及物)动词,其后可以直接接宾语;常用结构“cause sth. for sb.”意为“为某人带来”;“cause sth.

/sb. to do sth.”意为“引起某物或某人”。




1. his illness caused him to le**e school2. they are discussing the cause of this accident.

give up

典例**】his mother was very patient and didn’t give up trying to help him.他的妈妈很有耐心,而且从未放弃努力帮助他。

i will hold on to my dream and i will not give up easily.我将坚持自己的梦想,我不会轻易放弃。【知识拓展】

he said that he would give away all his money to charity.他说他将把他所有的钱捐赠给慈善机构。

please give my dictionary back to me.请把我的字典还给我。⑤the teacher is giving out new books.


名师点拨】通过例句①和②我们可以看出,give up意为“放弃”,既可以作及物动词短语也可以作不及物动词短语,作及物动词短语时,其后可接名词、代词或动词___ing /不定式)形式。由give构成的其他常见短语有:give away意为“__是及物动词短语,如例句③;give back意为“归还”,常用结构give sb.

back sth.或give sth. back to sb.

,意为“将某物归还给某人”,如例句④;give out意为“分发,散发”,是及物动词短语,如例句⑤。

互动平台】根据括号中的汉语意思,完成句子。1. he will __把我的自行车归还给我) next sunday.

2. i think it is not difficult to __放弃) smoking.

3. the boy was kind and __捐赠) his clothes to the poor children.

used to的用法【典例**】

i used to take a bus to work.我过去常乘公交车上班。

he didn’t use / used not to like singing.他过去不喜欢唱歌。

did you use to play football? /used you to play football?你过去常常踢足球吗?【知识拓展】

my father is used to getting up early.我爸爸习惯早起。

most of the wood is used to make *****.


通过例句①、②和③可以看出,used to表示“过去常常”,其后接动词___原形/-ing形式),用于一般过去时,表示过去存在的状态或经常发生的动作,且暗示现在已无此习惯;其否定句的构成形式为didn’t use to或used not to;其疑问句的构成形式也有两种:借助did或把used置于句首。通过例句④我们知道,be used to (doing) sth.

意为“习惯于(做)某事”,可用于各种时态,其中used为形容词,to为介词,后接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。通过例句⑤我们看出,be used to do sth.意为“__其中used为动词use的过去分词,to为不定式符号,其后接动词原形。

互动平台】用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成句子。1. he used to __play) computer games.

2. my brother is used to __run) in the morning.3.

the machine is used to __wash) clothes.


1. daily adj. _2. _n.死,死亡3. cause v. _

4. _adj.有耐心的,忍耐的。

5. attention n. _6. _v.浪费,滥用ii.重点短语。

1. used __过去常常2. be __of非常害怕的3. no __不再,已不。

4. take pride __对感到自豪5. _attention to对注意6. give __放弃iii.重点句型。

1. mario used to be short.

2. did you use to play the piano?



1. he doesn’t like speaking english because he害怕) ****** mistakes.2.

if you can’t __入睡) at night, you can listen to some music.3. most boys __对感兴趣) watching football games.

4. there is a red car __在的前边) the house.

5. would you please __等一下)? i will check it for you.句型过关。


sheblack clothes.2.我昨天晚上开着收音机睡着了。

i fell asleep last night with3.他过去喜欢晚上工作,不是吗?

he used to enjoy working at night4.你过去经常和朋友去河里游泳吗?

___youswim in the river with your friends?5.他擅长打篮球,并且是校篮球队的一员。

he is good atand he is语法过关i.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. my brother is used to __take) a walk after supper.2.

he is always___friend) to people around him.

3. please remember___bring) your id card to the party.

4. do you know that he is___terrify) of all kinds of animals?5.

how about __fly) kites in the park? ii.用适当的介词填空。

1. i like to study __the window open.

2. you h**e been listening to the english tapes __two hours.3.

do you know who he often plays __4. they will go to shanghai __airplane.

5. my hometown has changed a lot __the past few years.6.

he is more interested __playing the piano.7. would you like to tell me something __the place?

8. people would go to ask him __advice when they h**e problems.


1. he is scared of big dogs.

hebig dogs.2. i h**e joined the school sports school sports team.

3. he doesn’t know how he can get to the train doesn’t knowto the train station.4.

my brother will eat no more brother __eat candies __

5. i spent twenty dollars on this pair of __twenty dollars __this pair of shoes.

6. he often played football with his friends in the football with his friends.7.

i wash dishes in the restaurant every day.

washing dishes in the restaurant is my8. my college life is different from what i imagined before.

my college life iswhat i imagined before.

语法过关。根据句意,用used to或be used to完成句子。1. iget up late, but i get up early now.

2. the boy is hard-working and he __doing his homework late at night.3.

there __be a garden next to the building. now there is a new library.4.

though he just started the new job, i’m sure that he’llit soon.

5. she __live with her parents, but now sheliving with her classmates at school.6.

these robots in the factory __do dangerous work instead of man.综合运用。


education, his mother had to go out to2. so his mother spent less time with began to make3for himself and others. and he became less4in to help him.

6, his mother decided to send him to a boarding school. but martin still7a lot with his mother, he knew that his mother loved him very much. after that, he10a lot.

now he is one of the best students in his class.


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