
发布 2022-08-03 07:01:28 阅读 6144

unit two

[c] 月饼。

i succeeded in eating a quarter of the mooncake.


2、 lantern [c] 灯笼。

the lantern festival 元宵节。

3、 stranger [c] 陌生人。

you’d better not h**e a conversation with a stranger.


relative [c] 亲属、亲戚。

people often visit friends and relatives at christmas.


at christmas 在圣诞节期间。

on christmas day 在圣诞日 on christmas eve 在平安夜。

a close relative 近亲。

5、 put on 增加(体重)发胖穿衣。

my uncle has put on five kilos since he g**e up smoking.


she looks like she has put on weight .


与put 相关的短语。

put off 推迟 put up 撑开 put away 收拾好。

pound 磅镑 c

mike is two pounds he**ier than me.麦克比我重两磅。

she spent 25 pounds on the new coat.他花了25镑买了这件新外套。

同义句转换 the new coat cost her 25 pounds.

7. folk

she is a folk singer. 她是一个民俗歌手。

folk art 民间艺术 a folk museum 民间博物馆。

8、 goddess [c] 女神复goddesses

she looks like a goddess.她看起来像一个女神。

9、 whoever 代无论谁,不管什么人。

(1) 引导主语从句。

whoever wants the book may h**e it . 不论谁想要这本书都可以拿去。

whoever says that is a liar. 不论谁那么说都是傻子。

(2) 引导让步状语从句。

i don’t want to see them, whoever they are.


come out, whoever you are 不论你是谁,出来吧!

(3) 宾主从句。

give it to whoever needs it. 把它给需要的人。

i’ll take whoever wants to go. 谁想去我就带谁去。

10.、 steal v. 偷 stole - stolen

he stole money from his parents. 他偷了父母的钱。

my new iphone was stolen when i took a bus yesterday.


11、 lay v. 放置;安放;产卵;下蛋。

lay ― laid ― laid ― laying

she laid her baby on the bed.她把她的宝宝放在床上。

this hen has laid twenty eggs in the past / last ten days.


lie 说谎 lied ― lied ― lying

the girl lied to her parents again.这个女孩又一次跟她的父母说谎了。

lie v. 躺 lie ― lay ― lain - lying

the man lay under the tree.这个男的躺在树下。

12、 lay out 摆开、布置。

the gardens were laid out with flowers.这些花园被用花布置。

he laid out the map on the table.他在桌子上摆开了地图。

13、 dessert n. 甜点、甜食

would you like a chocolate dessert? 你想要巧克力甜点吗?

what do you h**e for dessert?你甜点吃什么?

14、 garden

15、 tradition n

it’s a tradition to eat turkey on thanksgiving day.


traditional adj. 传统的。

traditional food / chinese music 传统食品/中国**。

16、 admire v. 欣赏、仰慕。

i admired her the first time i met her.我第一次见到她就仰慕她。

admire sb. for sth. 因某事而仰慕某人。

i admired him for his honesty.我因为他的诚实而仰慕他。

admire sb for doing sth. 因做某事而仰慕某人。

i admire her for learning english so well.她英语学得好,我仰慕她。

17、 tie n. 领带 [c] ties

wear a tie 系领带。

this tie looks good on me.这条领带在我身上很好看。

v. 系、** ties tied tied tying (联想lie –lying)

he tied his dog to that tree. 他把他的狗拴在树上。

he was caught by the policemen with both hands tied.


18、 haunted adj. 有鬼魂出没的、闹鬼的。

a haunted house 一间鬼屋。

a haunted school 一所闹鬼的学校。

19、 ghost [c] 鬼、鬼魂。

you shouldn’t tell children ghost stories before they go to bed.


dress up as ghosts 装扮成鬼。

(复习dress up 装扮装上盛装)

20、 trick [c] 花招、把戏。

play tricks on sb. 捉弄某人。

the kids always play tricks on their teachers.


think of / come up with /think up a trick 想出一个花招。

21、 treat

(1) [c] 款待、招待。

as a treat 作为款待。

she took her son to the zoo as a birthday treat.

(2) v. treat sb as 把某人当做…来对待。

the local people treat him as a hero.当地人把他当做英雄看待。

my parents still treat me as a child.我的父母仍然把我当做孩子来对待。

treat sb. to sth. 用…招待某人。

she treats me to lunch. 她请他吃饭。

trick or treat 请吃糖还是想糟殃。

22、 spider [c] 蜘蛛。

23、 christmas

merry christmas 圣诞快乐 on christmas day 在圣诞日。

on christmas eve 在平安夜 father christmas 圣诞老人。

24、 lie v. 存在;平躺;处于 lie ― lay ― lain ― lying

don’t lie in the sun for too long. 不要在日光下躺太久。

i found a letter lying on the floor. 我发现地上有一封信。

lie down 躺下。

复习:lie 谎言- lied - lied lay 放、下蛋― laid ― laid

25、 novel [c] **。

he has the ability to write a novel. 他有能力写一部**。


unit two c 月饼。i succeeded in eating a quarter of the mooncake.我成功吃了四分之一个月饼。2 lantern c 灯笼。the lantern festival 元宵节。3 stranger c 陌生人。you d better not h...


英才学校九年级英语教学案 总第 6 课时 unit 2 i used to be afraid of dark 第一课时。教后反思 本课堂我采用了 任务型教学 其中三个任务的设计具有真实性,贴近学生的生活实际,带有浓厚的生活气息,激发了学生参与的兴趣,把学生的中枢神经调整到了兴奋状态,通过感知 体验...


第九单元。1.发明 创造 2.计算器。3.用来做 4.用勺舀,勺子。5.可调整的。6.鞋 袜 后跟,足 跟。7.电池。8.操作 作业。9.电池供电的。10.拖鞋。11.加热,使变热。12.电灯泡。13.微波炉。14.脆的,易碎的。15.咸的,含盐的。16.酸的,酸味的。17.错误地。18.厨师。19...