
发布 2022-08-09 00:58:28 阅读 8299

unit 3 teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.

一、 常用词组。

part-time jobs做兼职工作。

driver’s license驾驶执照。

h**e one’s eats pierced穿耳洞。

one’s own clothes选自己的衣服。

5. sixteen-year-olds十六岁的孩子。

not serious enough不够严肃。

that age在那个年龄。

one’s hair理发。

to class late上课迟到。

a test考试不及格。

school nights在上学的晚上。

strict with sb对……要求严格。


school uniforms穿校服。

a good/great experience for sb对……来说是很有意义的经历。

time to do things花费时间做事情。

a long week of classes上完一周课之后。

friday afternoons off周五下午放假。

more on studies更专注于学习。

20.be good for studying对学习有好处。

a good idea for sb. to do th做……对……来说是个好主意。

a lot from each other互相学到很多

h**e an /no opportunity to do sth某人又(没有)做……的机会。

to the article给文章写答复。

for news*****s为报社写稿

in the way of schoolwork妨碍学习

up until 11:00 pm熬夜到11点。

28.clean up the room打扫房间

the test参加考试。

30. pass the test通过考试。

more comfortable感到更舒服。

one’s own uniforms设计某人自己的衣服。

one’s dreams实现梦想。

importance of studying hard努力学习的重要性。

decisions for onself=make one’s own decisions. 自己做决定。


should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 应该允许青少年选择自己的衣服。

you think thirteen –year-olds should be allowed to h**e part-time jobs?


is allowed to wear her own clothes安娜可以选择自己的衣服。

doesn’t seem to h**e many friends他似乎没有很多朋友。

needs time to do homework他需要时间去写作业。

should not be too strict with teenagers父母不应该对青少年要求太严。

would be a good way to keep both teachers and students happy. 那将是使老师和学生都高兴的好办法。

school rules do you think should be changed你认为学校那些规定应该改变?

am serious about running对于赛跑我很认真。

needs to spend time with friends他需要和朋友共度时光。

要点精析。1. be allowed to do sth.

be (not) allowed to do sth.意思是“(不)允许某人做某事,常用来表示允许或不允许。如:

smoking is not allowed here此处不准抽烟。

if you h**en’t finished your homework, you aren’t allowed to h**e a rest. 如果你作业没有写完,不允许你休息。

i will be allowed to choose my own clothing next year.明年我将被允许挑选自己的衣服。

2.辨析:be good for/ at/to..

1)be (not)good for 意思是“对……有益处”;be bad for 为反义词,意思是“对……有害”如:

green vegetables are very good for you绿叶类蔬菜对你很有益。

don’t read in the bad for your eyes不要在阳光下看书。这对你的眼睛有害。

it isn’t good for children wo watch too much tv. 儿童不宜看太多电视。

be good for 还可以表示“对……有帮助”、“适合……”等意思。如:

this beach is good for surfing这个海滩很适合冲浪。

2)be good at sth. 意思是“擅长某事”。如:

he’s good at chemistry他擅长化学。

3)be good to sb.意思是“对某人友善”。如:

they were good to me when i was ill我生病的时候,他们对我很好。



unit 5 it must belong to carla 一 常用词组。1.belong to tom属于tom 2.her f orite author她最喜爱的作者。3.at the picnic在野餐时。4.h e a picnic野餐。5.wear a hair band戴发带。6.go...


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