
发布 2021-05-26 07:08:28 阅读 7587


第6讲九年级(上) unit 6

基础巩固。词汇拓展 :

1. will (过去式) 2. match (pl.) 3. free (n.) 4. dead (反义词)

5. top (反义词) 6. quiz (同义词) 7. interesting (同义词)

(adv.) 9. sink (过去式) (同义词) (n.)

(缩写) 13. fly (过去分词) 14. suddenly (adj.

) 反义词) 16. congratulate (n.) 17.

voice (同义词)18. proud (反义词)

19. .honest (反义词) (反身代词)

答案:1. would 2.

matches 3. freedom 4. alive 5.

bottom 6. test 8. usually 9.


11. argument 12. tv 14.

sudden 15. unfain 16. congratulation 17.

sound 18. modest

19. dishonest

短语互译。1. 厌倦做某事 2. 比起…更愿意做… 3. 和某人坠入爱河

4. 从前 5. 因某事而生气 6. 扩大我们的知识 7. 使某人远离…

8. 穿越沙漠 9. 陷进泥里 10. 把…从…清除 / 抹掉 11. 送某人离开

12. dozens of 13. get along / on well with sb 14. to one’s joy

15. thanks to 16. keep on doing sth 17. take place 18. come to an end

19. le**e…behind 20. keep in touch 21. look forward to doing sth

答案:1. be tired of doing sth 2.

would rather do sth than…3. fall in love with sb 4. once upon a time 5.

be angry at sth 6. increase our knowledge 7. keep sb away from 8.

walk through the desert 9. get stuck in the mud 10. erase…from… 11.

see sb off 12. 几十 13. 和某人相处融洽 14.

使某人高兴的是 15. 幸亏;由于 16. 继续做某事 17.

发生 18. 即将结束 19. 忘了带;遗忘;把…抛在后面 20.

保持联系 21. 渴望做某事。

句型再现。1. i’m tired of watching those shows.

has a huge influence on our lives.

3. who did the teacher fall in love with ?

keep our dreams alive.

there is a will , there is a way.


7. 独木不成林。

8. 她不能决定是否出国深造。

9. 我更愿意看体育节目。

10. 为了帮助哈利,他的朋友阅读了大量的书籍,找出蒙骗敌人的最好方法。

答案:1. 我厌倦了看那些电视节目。

1. 电视对我们的生活有巨大的影响。

2. 那位老师和谁坠入情网?

3. 让我们的梦想用不破灭。

4. 有志者,事竟成。

5. i’ll say i h**e learned not only how to study ,but how to be a man.

6. one tree can’t make a forest.

7. she can’t decide whether (or not) she’ll go abroad for further study.

8. i would rather watch sports shows.

9. in order to help harry, his friends read many books and discovered the best ways to trick their enemies.


1. i would rather watch sports shows. 我更愿意看体育节目。

would rather 结构表示比较时,为了避免重复,有时会省略被比较的对象,此时would rather do sth.= prefer to do sth. 如:

i’d like to stay at home , but max prefers to play (play) football on sundays.

= i’d like to stay at home ,but max would rather play (play) football on sundays.

此句中就是省略了前面已谈到的those shows,完整的句子为i would rather watch sports shows than those shows.如:in fact ,many people living in the city would rather live in the country.


would rather do sth. than do sth. 比起做……更愿意做……如:

she’d rather die than give in to the enemy. 她宁死不屈。


i would rather play basketball than soccer. 比起踢足球我更愿意打篮球。


not all the tourists from japan __western food to chinese food.

a. like b. prefer c. enjoy d. love

i prefer skiing tothe snow makes me excited.

a. cycles b. cycling c. cycled

some of my classmates __cartoons __documentaries.

a. prefer ..to b. would rather ..than c. like ..better d. like ..less

she would rather eat outside rather than at home.

a. cook b. cooking c. to cook d. cooks

答案:⑴ b ⑵ b ⑶ a ⑷ a

2. xu beihong is known for his traditional painting of horses.徐悲鸿以他传统的画马技艺而闻名。

is known for意为“因……而著名” 如:leonardo da vinci is known for the portait of mona lisa. 列奥纳多达芬奇以蒙娜丽莎的肖像画而著名。

辨析】be known as和be known for

be known as 意为“作为……而著名”,其后的名词表示一个人的身份、职业等。如:

liu huan is known as a singer.刘欢作为一个歌手而出名。

he is known as a fair judge.他作为一名公正的法官而出名。

hong kong is known as the oriental pearl and shopping he**en.香港作为东方之珠和购物王国而出名。

be known for 意为“因……而著名”,其后所接内容表示某人或物的特点、特长等。如:

guilin is known for her beautiful mountains and rivers.桂林因其美丽的山水而闻名。

mr. smith is well-known for organizing two big pop concerts on the same day.


演练】用be known for/ is famous for/ be known as填空。

he his frankness.

beijingmany places of interest.

he well a pianist.

答案: ⑴was known for ⑵is famous for ⑶ is…known as

3.“it’s nothing. maybe it’s because i watched tv too late last night.

” maria said in a tired voice. maria带着疲倦的声音说,没什么,可能是因为我昨晚看电视看的太晚了。voice 表达的意思是“声音,嗓音”如:



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