
发布 2022-08-09 00:47:28 阅读 1197

unit 7section a


3.我喜欢人们真的友好的地方。i love places __the people are really friendly.


5.那里没有什么事可做。there’s notthere.

spent my childhood in a宁静的) village.

end of the movie is really令人震撼的).

is so迷人的) that many tourists visit it every year.

is the place __we met yesterdaywhere/which)

will never forget the days __we spent last year.(where/which)

is the house __i lived beforewhere/which)

is the factory __my grandfather worked. (where/which)

is the most有教育意义的) experience i h**e ever had.

your problems, why not考虑问问) your teacher?

would like to go somewhererelax) because herelax) only six hours every day. they’re really __ralax).

is the place __can make us relaxed. d./

factory __we visited yesterday was the one __i once worked.

get __when we go to __places for holidays.

;relaxed relaxing

feel like __eat)fruit. chinese people are really __friend).

hope __visit) my grandparents this sunday.

you like __tr**el) with us during this summer vacation?

you mind __plant) anything in the garden this year?

brother is consideringstudy) abroad.

25_do you want to say? else

26.—what do you think of the film? –it’s too __and i feel very __while seeing it.


necessary for ushelp) each is a good place __visit).

was tired, so he stoppedh**e) a rest.

boy’s mother told himnot stay) up too late.

don’t know howdeal) with the problem.

often hear hersing) english somgs.

hard to make himchange) his mind.

nice __you to lend me your computer.

finds __difficult to learn english well.


1.我们想离开大约三个星期。(be away)



4.因此除非你自己会说法语,否则旅行时最好有人做你的翻译。(unless, translate---for---






it’s usuallythe underground train to most places.

you翻译) this sentence into french?

many教堂) are there in your town?

usually takes the地下的) train to work.

短文填空:for your next vacation, why notconsidervisit) paris? paris is the capital offrench) and is one oflively) cities in europe.

it doesn’th**esome) beaches ormountain), but there are still many thingsdo) there. for example, it has some fantasticsightinclude) the eiffel tower and notre dame cathedral, one of the most famouschurch) in the world.

tr**el) around paris by taxi cancost) a lot of money, but it’susually convenienttake) the underground train to most places. in general, though france is quite an expensive place. one thing is not expensive in france, howeverbe) the wine!

most people in francelearn) english. but many peoplenot like) to speak english, especially in paris. so unless you speakfrance) yourself, it’s besttr**el) with someone who can __translate) things for you.

完形填空。we all know that singapore is a __1__ city but there are many things to do there. it doesn’t h**e any beaches or mountains, but it has a very large zoo, a beautiful garden and lots of museums.

it’s also a wonderful place___2__.the traffic is __3___in some parts of singapore, and most private cars aren’t __4___in downtown singapore. we don’t plan on __5__ a car in this city.

but it is easiest to _6___the city by subway.

if you decide __7___singapore, bring lots of money. living in singapore is quite pack _8___is very hot _9___so for your next vacation, why not __10___visiting singapore?


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