
发布 2022-08-08 22:54:28 阅读 2971



1. scientific 科学的 2. therefore 因此 3.

hard 坚硬的,困难的 4. serve people heart and soul 全心全意为人民服务 5. endangered有灭绝危险的 6.

keep out使留在外面 7. aim at 瞄准,针对 8. instance for instance=for example例如 9.

confuse confusing confused 困惑 10. truth 事实 11. taste 品尝 12.

count 有价值,重要 v 13 quality—quantity 14. at times

单词检测。1. the color red makes people hungry.

2. soft colors like pink and light blue make people relaxed, so they spend more time eating their meals.

3. customers only sit for about 20 minutes before they le**e.

4. many ads are aimed specially at teenagers.

5. some advertising can be confusing or misleading.

6. that made me annoyed with myself.

7. it really made me feel embarrassed.

8. this made me feel guilty.

9. my grandparents h**e different taste from me.

10. to make things easier, some people would rather just give money.

11. it’s the thought that’s counts.


1. _at your lessons is important for your study.

a. working hard b. work hard c. hard work d. working hardly

2. after two year’s study, his __of english remained very weak.

a. news b. message c. knowledge d. information

3. i had to wait ten minutes in the shop before i was __

a. called b. served c. s**ed d. asked

4. they h**e __a lot of advanced electric equipment.

a. done b. designed c. been done d. been designed

5. –what do you think of the watch? it __to be a birthday present to my husband.

-how nice it is! i think he must like it.

a. is designing b. designs c. is designed d. has designed

6. –look. lily is studying hard. –yes. she is __beijing university.

a. aiming b. aiming to c. aiming at d. going

7. my handwriting can not be __my father’s.

a. comparing with b. compared with c. comparing to d. compared to

8. people usually say that labor __happiness. a.

leads b. led c. leads to d.

leads for

9. he was not __concerned about it. a. after all b. at all c. in all d. all over

10. –where is my key? i remember __it on the table.

a. put b. putting c. to put d. to putting

11. the young man has no work. he __a living at home.

a. writes about b. writes back c. writes for d. write down

12. the boy pretended __his homework when his father got home.

a. doing b. to do c. to be doing d. did

13. you can find difference __asians and americans __many ways.

a. between; in b. among; in c. from; among d. from ; in

14. i was reading a news***** __i was waiting a bus. a.

when b. as c. while d.


15. _is not easy to master a foreign language. a. he b. it c. this d. that

16. le**e the keys out __i remember to take them with me.

a. such that b. so that c. because d. since

17. i knew he was an honest man __i met him in our school.

a. for the first time b. the first time c. a first time d. first

18. i think it is very important to h**e __of english in modern company.

a. knowledge b. some knowledge c. a knowledge d. much knowledge

19. the confusing signs will __wrong understanding.

a. lead to b. comprehend c. describe d. consist of

20. you should buy some useful tool., an english- chinese dictionary.

a. instance b. an instance c. instances d. for instance

21. we often compare exams __battles. a. with b. for c. to d. /


1. some day 来日,有一天。

2. be off 离开,走开。

3. bathing suit 游泳衣。

4. water the plants 浇花儿。

5. lock the windows 锁窗子。

6. pack the camera 把照相机装包里7. put in 放进,进入。

8. turn off 关闭。

9. clean out something


10. clean up something整洁,清理某物。

11. take the dog for a walk 遛狗。

12. chop wood 砍柴。

13. love doing something喜爱做某事。

14. light the fire for breakfast


15. collect water 挑水。

16. write original songs 写原创歌曲。

17. make a music video


18. a hit cd 一张流行的cd

19. go on a world tour进行世界巡。

20. in search of 寻找,寻求。

21. hope to do something 希望做某事。

22. so far迄今为止。

23. be sure (not) to do一定(不)要做某事。

24. spend time (in) doing花费时间做…

25. think of 想到,考虑。

26. turning point 转折点。

27. in one’s life 在某人的一生。

28. be off to 离开去(某地)

29. air show **表演。

1. that is a very beautiful v___乡村).

2. the s___背景) of the movie is very beautiful and cool.

3. i’ve waited for her to a___to come into sight,be seen) for a long time.

4. get up early,or you’ll m___to fail to catch,see,hear,find,or meet) the first train.


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1.下列各组线段中,成比例线段的一组是 a.1,2,3,4 b.2,3,4,6 c.1,3,5,7 d.2,4,6,8 2.如果两个相似三角形的相似比是1 2,那么它们的周长比是 a.1 2 b.1 4 c.1 d.2 1 3.如果。a.b.c.d.4.在rt a.ab.a c.ad.a 5.在d ...