
发布 2022-08-08 19:44:28 阅读 7644

八年级下册unit 6 重点短语。

1 西游记2 女娲补天 nu wa

3 后羿射日houyi4 愚公移山yu gong

5 被受感动sb. 6 把它们拿走。

7 提醒某人干某事___sbsth .

8 想起某人,某事sb/sth 9 提醒某人……_sb __句子

10 干某事的一个好方法asth

11 有点蠢。

12 一点英语englishenglish

13 代替干某事sth

14 比干某事更好更快 that’s __and __than __sth

15 一个故事有许多面a story

16 一…….就17坚持战斗。

18 一个叫猴子的电视节目 a tv program

19 第一次听这个故事 __the story __the

20 对某人来说不是新的sb.

21 变化22把自己变成。

23 为了和坏人战斗。

24 有时候25 出版。

26 对干某事感兴趣sth

27 最受欢迎的故事之一。


29 喜欢上某人sb 30 结婚。

31 用某物干某事___sth

32 关于某事有不同的观点sth

33做礼服34 听起来很愚蠢。

35把孩子们留在森林自取灭亡 __children to __in the forest

36整个家庭 the

37 制定计划做某事sthsth

38听见某人在做某事___sb __sth 39在月光下。

40 迷路。

41你们在森林里睡了多久啊long time you __in the forest!

42 足够勇敢做某事 beto do sth

43一个老妇人的声音an old woman’sthe __of an old woman

44领着某人去某地/做某事 __sb __somewheresth

45食物制作成的房子 housefood

46 沿路扔白色的石头 __whitethe way

47 生孩子 give

48 出生年月日)

49 去……的路 the

50领着他们走回家的路___them the

1.. your mother __some cleaning on sundays? a.

doesdoes b. dodoes c. doesdo d.

do do

2. _tom __to work hard to help his family ? yes, hea.

has xdoes b. hasxdoes c. doeshashas d.

does h**edoes

3. neither i nor he __french. a. speak b. doesn't speak c. speaks d. doesn't speak

4. some are __in the river and some are __games. a.

swimming playing b. swimmingplaiing c. swimming i playing d.


5. _a sports meet last sunday ? yes , theya.

did they h**e did b. did they h**e had c. had they had d.

had they did

6. they __about the tv news then in the sitting-room. they often __such talks a.

talkedhad b. talkh**e c. were talkinghad d.

are talkingh**e

7. he __some cooking at that time, so __me. a.

did heard b. did didn't hear c. was doing heard d.

was doing didn't hear

___for tom at ten last sunday. he often kept usa. were waiting waiting b.

were waiting wait c. waited waiting d. waited wait

9. when you __at the door, i __some washing. a.

knocked did b. was knocking did c. knocked was doing d.

knock am doing

10. the boy___english on the radio when i __his door. a.

learned was opening b. was learning opened c. learned opened d.

is learning open

will be a football match in two days, that isa. last sunday b. next sunday c.

every sunday d. this sunday

12.. when she __next time ,l __her everything. a.

is going to comeshall tell b. will comeshall tell c. comeswill tell d.

comewill tell

13.. mother __me a new coat yesterday, i __it on. it fits me well.

a. has madeh**e tried b. madeh**e tried c.

has madetried d. madetried

14. “he __to draw horses already .”when __he ?

”last year. “a. learnedhas b.

learneddid c. has learnedhas d. has learneddid

15. tom __up into the tree. look, he __high up there !

a. has got is b. has climbed was c.

got was d. climbed is

16. _you __the text yet ? yes, we __it two hours ago.

a. didcopydid b. h**e copiedh**e c.

h**e copied did d. did copyhad

14.--shall we go to see the movie”where is the father?”

-- sorry, iit.


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