九年级U1 2基础记忆

发布 2022-08-07 18:58:28 阅读 2391

unit1 what would you do?


give money to charity, 捐钱给慈善机构; millions of,数百万的; medical research, 医学研究; be late for,迟到; what to wear, 穿什么; wear a tie 打领带; worry about= be worried about 担忧,担心; h**e to do 必须做; what if,如果……怎么办; if i were you, 如果我是你; don’t h**e to = needn’t, 不必; everyone else,其他的每个人; what to say 说什么; get nervous, 变得紧张; get along/ on with, 与……相处; look terrible, 看起来糟糕; take a big exam, 举行大考; take a long walk, 长距离散步; too…to do, 太…而不能做; eat lots of fruits and vegetables 吃大量的水果和蔬菜; before going to bed 在睡觉前; the night before an exam 考前的晚上;hardly ever, 几乎不;give a speech, 做演讲; be afraid to speak = be afraid of speaking , 害怕讲话; in public= in a public place, 在公共场所; speak in public, 在公共场所讲话; h**e a cold, 感冒; without permission 没有允许; be in a movie 演电影; make/ be friends with … 和…成为朋友; wait for , 等待; invite sb to h**e dinner, invite her to dinner, 邀请她吃饭; in front of, 在……的前面;(外部) plenty of, a lot of= lots of, 大量的,充足的; a small circle of good friends 一小圈好朋友; not…in the slightest=not …at all, 根本不;how to get it, 怎样得到它; rather than 胜于; say something bad about you 说你的坏话; right away= at once= immediately= in a minute, 马上,立刻; be friendly to people, 对人们友好; think of ,想出,认为; come up with = think up, 想出; come top, 名列前茅; let her friends down,使她的朋友失望; the rest of the students…,剩余的学生; (what)do with= (how)deal with, 处理,对付; come out, 出版; cut oneself,切伤自己; by accident= by chance, 意外地,偶然地; cover…with…, 用……翻盖; see a doctor 看医生;fall downstairs, 从楼上摔下来;make her comfortable, 使她觉得舒服;find out 发现,查清;burn oneself, 烧伤自己;while running, 在跑步的时候;more than a few days, 几天多; the dangers of smoking, 吸烟的危害;go alone, 独自去; solutions to people’s problems, 解决人们的问题的方法; ask your doctor for advice,征求你的医生的建议。


1. before / after / while doing sth.

afraid/terrified to do sth. be afraid/terrified of doing sth 害怕做某事;

sb to do sth. 邀请某人做某事;

sb down, 使某人失望; let / h**e / make sb do sth. 让某人做某事;

to do sth like doing sth.

to do sth. 同意做某事; agree with sb 同意某人的观点;

for sb to do sth. 等待某人做某事;

to do sth. prefer doing sth. 更喜欢做某事;

prefer doing sth. to doing sth. prefer to do sth rather than do sth.

would rather do sth than do sth.

喜欢做某事1胜于做某事2; 宁愿做某事1 而不愿做某事2;

sb for advice/help, 向某人征求建议;向某人求助;

ask sb to do sth. 让某人做某事; ask sb not to do sth. 让某人不做某事;

sb +adj. 使某人觉得……;make sb do sth. 使某人做某事;

make it easy(adj) to do sth. 使做某事容易;

11. too…(for sb )to do sth. 太……而不能做某事;…enough (for sb) to do sth.

足够……能做某事; so… that+从句如此……以致于……;

sb sth.= offer sth to sb. provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb. 为某人提供某物;


would you do if you had a million dollar?

would give it to charity if i had a million dollar.

i were you ,i would wear a shirt and a tie.

if i don’t know anyone?

are easy to get along with.

unit 2 it must belong to carla.


belong to 属于; must be, 一定是; go to the concert, 去听**会; call me= call me up= give me a call, during打**给我; during the concert,在**会期间; look nice,看起来好; h**e a math test,数学考试; make up, 组成,占据; the final exam, 期末考试;because of.因为;a present for his mother,给他妈妈的礼物;in the sky, 在天空中; a woman with a camera, 一个拿相机的妇女; be late for work, 工作迟到; run for exercise, 跑步锻炼; both…and…, 和…两者…都; use up,用尽; study for a test,备考; catch a bus,赶上公共汽车; used to be quiet,过去常常安静; be interviewed by, 被…采访; h**e fun, 玩的开心; call the police, 报警; at first= first of all, 起初; the director of the local zoo, 当地动物园的主管; be afraid of too much homework, 害怕太多的作业; be careful of…,小心; not only…but also….,不仅……而且……;not…until,直到……才;get on the plane 上飞机;a strange smell,一股奇怪的味道; pretend to be asleep 假装睡着; talk about, 谈论; thousands of,数千的; a kind of,一种; so that,以便; on a midsummer’s morning, 在夏至日的早晨; be used to do, 被用来做; be used for doing, 被用来做; be sure,一定,确信; a group of,一群; a place to do, 一个做…的地方; in the future,将来;


1. pretend to do sth. 假装做某事;

2. be careful to do sth. 小心做某事;

3. be used to do sth. be used for doing sth. 被用来做某事;(用途)

used to do sth used to be +adj used to be a/an+n. 过去常常做…

be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事;

4. try to do sth. try one’s best to do sth. 尽力做某事;试图做某事;

try not to do sth. 尽力不做某事; try doing sth. 尝试做某事。


notebook is this? it must be ning’s. it has her name on it.

2. it might / could belong to alice.

3. he might be running to catch a bus.

can’t be john’s. it’s much too small for him.

5. there must be something visiting our homes.


一轮复习九年级u12学案。词组 1 9附录词组 1.握手。2.顺便 或偶然 拜访3.毕竟,终究。4.发出令人不愉快的声音5.特地 不怕麻烦地 做某事6.使某人感到宾至如归7.餐桌礼仪8.习惯于9.自学。10.被期望,应该 2 11.迟到。12.与年长的人说话13.过去常常14.一个试验 实验sect...


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