
发布 2022-08-07 02:02:28 阅读 8529

unit 1 how can we become good learners?

易错点一: by+ doing (do/doing) sth. 表示“通过……方式/手段”。

b )①she learns englishlistening to tapes.

a. to b. by c. for d. with

mr scott made a living by selling(sell) old things.


do you learn english by watching english movies?

cdo you prepare for an english exam?

reading texts.

a. what; in b. where; on c. how; by d. how often; with

易错点二: what/ how about +doing sth. ?做某事怎么样?

—what about listening(listen) to some english songs?

it’s great.


what about reading aloud to practice your spoken english?

易错点三: “the+比较级+. the+比较级+. 意为“越……,就越……”

b )—could you tell me how to improve my english?

you speakyour english will be.

a. the less; the more b. the more; the better

c. the less; the better d. the more; the less

易错点一: (1) be afraid of sth. /doing sth. 害怕做某事(担心出现某种不良后果)

2) be afraid to do sth. 害怕去做某事……(怕或不敢去做某事)

3)be afraid +that恐怕……(用于礼貌地表达可能令人不愉快的消息)

c )①tina is so shy that she is afraid ofin front of a group.

a. to speak b. speak c. speaking d. spoke

the girl was afraid to go(go) across the bridge, for she was afraid of falling(fall) down from it.


most girls are afraid of spiders.

易错点二: look up 意为“(在词典、参考书中或通过电脑)查阅”; 若代词作宾语, 则代词要置于look与up中间。

c )—i don’t know the meaning of the word “grade”, mom.

oh, why notin your e-dictionary?

a. look up it b. look up them c. look it up d. look them up

易错点一: 疑问词+ to do sth. 是不定式的特殊结构, 常在句中作宾语, 可以和宾语从句进行同义转换。

we want to know how we can study well. (改为同义句)

we want to know how to study well.

i don’t know what i can do next. (改为同义句)

i don’t know what to do next.

易错点二: pay attention to 短语中, to 是介词, 其后接名词、代词或动词-ing作宾语。


we had paid attention to him(he).


they paid attention to watching(watch) the scene.

易错点三: look for/find /find out 的用法区别。

选词填空。i’m looking for my pen everywhere, but i can’t find it.

read the passage, and find out the answer to this question.

易错点一: remember的两种搭配:

1)remember to do sth. 记得去做某事(没做)

2)remember doing sth. 记得做过某事(已做)


remember to close the door, please.


i remember closing the door.

易错点二: instead of意为“代替; 而不是”, 其后通常接名词、代词或动词-ing。

我喝茶, 不喝咖啡。

i’ll h**e tea instead of coffee, please.

will you go to the meeting instead of me(i)?

i stayed in bed all day instead of going (go) outside.

unit 2 i think that mooncakes are delicious!

易错点一: 感叹句: what(a/an) +adj. +n. +主+谓!

how+ adj. /adv. +主+ 谓!

2 多么漂亮的花啊! what beautiful flowers they are!

英国的天气真糟糕! how bad the weather in england is!

b )③2017·重庆中考·b卷bad day! it’s raining hard. we h**e to stay at home.

a. how a b. what a c. how d. what

易错点二: wonder后接“who, whether, why等表示疑问的关联词引导的宾语从句”, 疑问词+不定式”时, 表示“想知道”。

d )—excuse me. i wonder there is a bus here to go to the library.

yes. bus no. 34.

a. thatb. when c. why d. whether

易错点一: refuse to do (do)sth. 拒绝做某事。

my father is such a kind man that he never refuses to help(help)people in trouble.

易错点二: so. .that. .如此……以至于……”其常用结构为:

1)so+形容词/副词+that. .

2)so+形容词+a/an+单数可数名词+that. .

b )①our teacher mr wang is kind we all like him.

a. such; that b. so; that c. too; to d. enough; to

the book is so interesting that we all enjoy reading it. (改为同义句)

this is so interesting a book that we all enjoy reading it.

易错点三: spend +时间/钱+(in) doing sth. /on sth. “花费时间/钱做某事”


i spent twenty minutes writing(write) the composition.

d )②i two hours on this math problem yesterday.

a. takeb. cost c. pay d. spent

易错点一: warn sb. (not)to do sth.


ann warned me to read(read)the instructions.

c )②the woman was warned too much oily food after the operation.

a. to eat not b. eating not c. not to eat d. not eating

易错点二: what+ do/does+ 主语+ think of. .

意为“……认为 ……怎么样? ”相当于 “how +do/does+ 主语+like用来询问某人对某事或某人的看法。

你认为肥皂剧怎么样? what do you think of soap operas?

她认为这本**怎么样? how does she like the novel?

易错点三: end up doing sth. 结束做某事。

一开始我们并不喜欢它, 可最后我们为之欢呼起来。

we don’t like it at first, but we end up cheering.

b )②if you continue to steal, you will in prison.


3.七选五中,首先从整体上把握大意。其次,注意所在空前后句的联系,特别是关键词,选项中代词指代的问题。4.完型填空注重对文章的整体把握及上下文的联系,注意固定搭配和短语辨析。5.语法填空中注意词性转换与词的变形,还有一句话的完整性。6.改错注意格式 个数要求和是否需要大小写。另外,改完需检查句子的完...


2019中考数学考点易错点归纳总结。2019中考各地区时间不尽相同,部分地区已经结束,部分地区还在备考中,今天小编为正在备考的同学们整理了一篇中考数学的考点知识大全以便考生们快速复习。一 数与式。易错点1 有理数 无理数以及实数的有关概念理解错误,相反数 倒数 绝对值的意义概念混淆。以及绝对值与数的...


1 物体沿倾角为 的斜面匀速下滑 tan 物体沿光滑斜面滑下a gsin 物体沿粗糙斜面滑下a gsin gcos 2 两物体沿同一直线运动,在速度相等时,距离有最大或最小 3 物体沿直线运动,速度最大的条件是 a 0或合力为零。4 两个共同运动的物体刚好脱离时,两物体间的弹力为f 0,加速度相等。...