
发布 2022-08-05 22:49:28 阅读 7889

预习学unit7 teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.

section a (1a-2d)

第4课时总第 40 课时。




1)语言结构:含情态动词的被动语态 should be allowed to



1).we do think that our son needs to be realistic.

2).it’s a very difficult dream to achieve.


3、情感目标:learn to make rules or change rules reasonably.


重点:1、如何运用 should be allowed to 结构表达自己对各种规章制度的看法。


难点:含情态动词的被动语态结构should be allowed to。




1. i’m lucky to h**e an oto visit new york.

2. -i want to help old people.

--you can vat an old people’s home.

zhang has taught more than ten years so he has a lot of e___of teaching.

4. i like soccer very much, so i h**e been a mof soccer club for five years.

5. in the past, people in china had a hard life. but at pour country develops quickly and we h**e a much better life than before.


1目前) they’re too busy.


h**e a good health, we must get up and go to sleep early. don’t熬夜)


we can’t do that, we should be allowed to设计自己的校服)。

6. don’t嘲笑)him, you should help___互相).

二 : learning steps (课中实施。

step 1 . warming-up step 2 . lead-in step 3. listening practice

step5. 精讲点拨。

strict :形容词,严格的,严肃的。be strict with sb. /be strict in sth.

step 7 . 拓展延伸:step8. summary :回扣预习目标

限时作unit7 teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.

section b (1a-1e)



一、选择题 ((共18分,每小题2分)

1. we h**e learned __from each other.

a. a lot of b. lots of c. a lot d. lot of

2. it’s a good idea for studentstheir own clothes

a. wears b. to wear c. wearing d. wore

3. i met an old friend前几天).

must专心于)your study instead of clothes.

5. parents should allow uswith friends on weekends.

a. study b. studying c. to study d. studied

6. the young boy is goodme. he is goodenglish, and he often tells me oral practice is goodimproving spoken english.

a. for; at; to in; of c. to; at; for d. at; for; to

7. the medicinein a dry and cool place.

a. keep b. must keep c. must be kept d. must be keep

8. weto go into the school unless we are in school uniforms.

a. allow b. are allowed c. are not allowed d. allowed

9is a good experience for future jobs.

a. volunteer b. volunteering c. volunteers d. be volunteer

二、完成句子( 16分,每题1 分)

1 .parents should allow teenagers to h**e their hobbies.(改为被动语态) teenagersto h**e their hobbies.

2. he is allowed to take the test later.( 变为否定句)

hetake the test later.

3. his motherhim (对他很是严格)

4. your teachersthe work. (对工作很严格)

5. peter should be allowed to study with friends. (变为一般疑问句)

peterstudy with friends ?


宁阳二十四中九年级英语学案。预习学案unit7 teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.sectiona 3a 3c 第2课时总第38课时。预习目标 1知识技能 初步了解情态动词的被动语态形式 从而推出情态动词的别动形式结构是 ...


九年级上册英语说课稿。说课人 解亚娟。unit 7 teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.各位老师,大家好 今天我所说课的内容选自人教版初中英语新目标九年级unit 7 teenagers should be allowed ...


九年级上册英语说课稿。说课人 解亚娟。unit 7teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.各位老师,大家好 今天我所说课的内容选自人教版初中英语新目标九年级unit 7teenagersshould be allowed to ...