九年级英语周考卷 一

发布 2022-08-04 18:38:28 阅读 4910





)3、a、eachb、ideac、theatre d、dear

)4、a、flowerb、follow c、how d、brown

)5、a、slideb、hic、toilet d、bike


)8、a、orderb、doctorc、boring d、corner

)9、a、whatb、waterc、walk d、talk

)10、a、gob、noc、to d、nose








1、daniel watches tv every evening.(改为否定句)

2、i do my homework every day.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

3、john comes from canada.(对划线部分提问)

4、the children had a good time in the park.


5、lily is dancing in the gym now.(画线部分提问)

___lily __in the gym now?

四、 单项选择(每小题2分,共30分)

)1、my english teacher thirty years old, but he younger.

a. is, look b .is, looks c. am, look

)2、 jim very hard.

a. studies b. study c. don’t study

)3、 there twelve months in a year and january first.

a. is, comes b. are, come c. are, comes

)4、 who the kite now?

a .flies b. flyc .is flying

)5、 you usually to school with classmates?

a. do, comes b. does, come c. do, come

)6、 she home at six o’clock every morning?

a. do, gets b. does. get c. do, get

)7、listen! the girl __in the room.

a. singsb. singingc. is singing

)8、the boy isto his teacher.

a. sayingb. speakingc. talking

)9、i’ma book in the room .

a. watching b. seeingc. reading d. looking

)10、 wherehefrom

a. is, come b. do, come c. does, come d. is , from

)11.、what language do you

a. sayb. speakc. talk d. tell

)12、look!the twins___their mother do the housework

a、are wanting b、help

c、are helping d、are looking

)13、__are the birds doing? they are singing in a tree.

a、who b、whatc、how d、where

)14、is she___something?


)15、look,they are swimming in the river. i want___you.

a、to go with b、go with c、helping d、help

五、改错(划出错误的地方,将正确的写在横线上) (每小题2分,共10分)

1. is your brother speak english

2. does he likes going fishing

3. he like playing games after class

wu teach us english

5. she don’t do her homework on sundays


1、学生们在干什么?有一些在打**,另一些躺在沙滩上the students __someon the phoneon the beach.

2、“格林先生在看电视吗?” 不, 他在打扫房间。”

“__mr green __tvhethe house.”


wei fanga book. shea letter.

4、我正在通过收音机学 (learn) 英语。

ienglish on the radio.


the old manat six o’clock in the morning every day.


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九年级语文周考卷 故乡

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